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Friday, November 5, 2010

The Truth About Unemployment Figures

Many people are under the perception that things are starting to turn around economically based on false numbers reported by the Bureau of Statistics and Labor concerning the nation's unemployment rate.

The truth be told is as follows:  The National Unemployment Rate is calculated by adding the number of people in each state who are collecting unemployment benefits.   I say this again.. The National Unemployment Rate is calculated by adding up the number of people in each state that are collecting unemployment benefits.  If your benefits run out and you are no longer eligible for unemployment benefits, even though you have not found a job you are no longer considered unemployed!  Can you see why this number is not an accurate number?

Presently there are hundreds of thousands of people who's benefits have run out and still have not found employment yet under the present system of calculating the unemployment rate these people are no longer counted so the number decreases each month as people's benefits expire.  Truth be told that under that kind of idiotic methodology for calculating the unemployment rate theoretically the nation's unemployment could go to zero once everyone's benefits expired, yet these people including myself are no closer to finding a job than the Pope is going to be  Bar Mitzvahed.

The government and the media hide these facts and hope that out of your own ignorance that you will believe what is being told but educated people know better. What I am telling you is an absolute fact that you can look up for yourself.  Should a national survey be taken where by everyone were to lets say log in and vote only once a week whether they were employed or not the real nation unemployment rate sadly would be closer to 16 or 20 percent. 

I urge you all as American's demand that Congress, the Senate and the White House work together to report information truthfully and accurately and that collectively real efforts for fixing unemployment are taken including rebuilding our nation's infrastructure, creating and agenda to go green, and increased tariffs on imports while creating tax breaks for industries and businesses which create jobs here at home. Lastly, when making purchases... try although it is becoming increasingly difficult I admit to do so, purchase items which are labeled made in the USA over cheap, mass produced crap manufactured in China.

If we take these steps, together we will eventually pass through these stormy waters.

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