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Sunday, November 14, 2010


If you recall three years ago our elected leaders all ran on the promise of bringing our troops home once elected.  the truth be told our national unemployment rate is close to 22% if not higher; and while the White House wants you to think unemployment rates have dropped they haven't.  As I explained to you in an earlier blog the rates have dropped due to the number of people collecting benefits decreasing because their benefits have run out.

As such the sad cold hard reality is that no elected official Democrat or Republican is going to draw down 1.5 million troops only to have them come home to no jobs.   Until our economy can turn around these brave men and women will remain in the field.  I urge you all to do your part by trying to buy goods and services made in America and stop purchasing junk made in China.  Let's help turn our economy around even without Congress's help by bringing back industry and manufacturing back to our country. We owe it to our troops and we owe it to all who helped build this country only to watch it be shipped overseas.Bring back the made in the USA label.

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