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Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Two years ago the present occupant of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue ran on a campaign pledge of change.  Well my fellow Americans he has kept that promise.  In case you have not noticed things have gone from bad to WORSE! 

As a nation we are on the verge of global down fall making us a third world country and the laughing stock of the globe!

This head in a bag approach of handing money to everyone without understanding the cause and effect of the problems we face has made us $1 Trillion more in debt and yet not one jobs has been created. This administration wants you to believe that unemployment is down.. This is true but not because people have found jobs!  The truth be told unemployment is down because the number of people who are eligible to collect unemployment benefits has dropped simply because their benefits have run out.  Since the only means used to determine and unemployment number is to count the number of people who are collecting benefits the numbers being reported are grossly understated since those who are no longer eligible for benefits are no longer considered unemployed!

We have handed out billions to Wall Street, Insurance Companies and the automobile industry and have done so without holding them accountable to change the way they do business.

In my professional opinion if you want to fix the automobile industry you allow a bailout condition upon all future vehicles manufactured would exceed German and Japanese auto manufacturer standards, that said vehicles would provide better warranties than their foreign competitors and get this all would get a minimum of 135 plus miles to the gallon all for the less than what the competition is selling their vehicles for.

While I did not graduate from Harvard Business School with a degree in economics common sense says that if you had a choice of buying a Honda or a Chevy for the same price but the Chevy was built better, had a better warranty and got 135 plus miles to the gallon would you not buy the domestic product over the import?  Globally would others overseas not want to start purchasing these vehicles also and would an exportation of product not create jobs while increasing our domestic product and reducing our trade deficit?

If I were elected that would be the type of condition I would have made in order to use our tax payer's money for a bailout.  Two years of OBAMANOMICS HAS NOT WORKED! IT IS TIME FOR CHANGE AND THE CHANGE MUST BE TO WAKE UP AND START DOING THINGS RIGHT, BETTER AND DO SO QUICKLY BEFORE WE ARE NO LONGER A NATION!

Vote today and then put these people on notice that we want SOME ACCOUNTABILITY

1 comment:

  1. The newly elected republican politicians have great talking points, let's see if there's any substance. This may be the last chance for the repubs. But honestly, I see some kind of civil strife on the horizon . The country may soon implode.
