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Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Fixing Our Nation!

While today is a big day in politics the realization is that nothing can be accomplished until we work together Democrats, Republicans and Independents cooperatively with a focus on a unified vision. Not since President Kennedy have we as a nation risen to face a national challenge...  to be the first nation to put a man on the moon and safely return him to earth.  We as a nation are dieing! We are on the verge of becoming a third world nation and we have to work together not as Democrats, Republicans, Independents but as Americans to rise to the challenge to fix our nation.

As we all know the present economic policies of the Obama administration have not created one job nor helped improve the economics of this nation.  If I were elected to office, I personally could create 11 million new job in less than 2 years while eliminating the single greatest exportation hurting our nation, our exportation of trillions of dollars spent on the importation of oil.

Oil companies are worried about the world going green yet their short sightedness is costing them billions in profits that could be made by eliminating the middlemen, our middle eastern friends. What the oil companies fail to recognize is that the infrastructure the oil companies have created such as service stations, pipelines, etc will always be necessary and as such utilized however they stand to gain huge profits by eliminating their buying oil!

If we as a nation set an agenda to be completely green within two years and independent of importing all oil and oil products, we as a nation would as a result of making these changes would have the highest national savings, lowest national taxes, and a surplus of jobs. By going completely green through the utilization of wind, solar, fuel cells for both commercial and residential usage and a campaign to use only hydrogen whenever possible  approximately 7 million new jobs would be created.

An additional 4 million jobs would be created through our investing in a policy of USA first A National policy focused on rebuilding our nation's infrastructure from the town level to the national level.  Like the great construction projects during the depression the rebuilding of every road, bridge, tunnel, electrical grid, water and sewage system, damn, levee Million new jobs would be created.  In addition  half a million new jobs or more could be created by revamping our rail systems and inventing high speed coast to coast rail road system like Europe's allow passengers to be able to go from Boston to DC in two hours or New York to LA in ten hours.

Under taking these national challenges and policies would restore our economy and Super Power Status while at the same time reducing our independence on the importation of oil and restoring our work force to full employment.  I remind you all that such project in the 1800 and early nineteen hundreds created millions of jobs, so many in fact that there was wide spread immigration of persons because the requirement for labor could not be met internally.  Now as a nation such implementation of policies would restore full employment while reemerging our nation to be number one again.  Such projects are desperately needed as a nation to become great again. It is investment in our country first and foremost that will keep us as a global economic and global superpower.

We as a nation need to have our elected officials see a new vision and issue a national challenge to rebuild our nation to truly become a super nation once again.  It is not rocket science, it is common sense. 

The first step to this success is to stop the bipartisanship that is killing us as a nation and realize that our very survival as a nation is dependent upon us coming together as Americans, with one vision, and the leadership to make these goals a reality! Vote today and then send our elected leaders a message stop the bipartisanship that is killing us, work together as American and set these two goals as our nation's challenge and new agenda! If we don't our existence as a nation is questionable!

1 comment:

  1. If we keep it up we can get the senate and presidency next election.
