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Sunday, November 14, 2010

National Buy Made Only in America Weekl

Last Saturday I went shopping with my son at Wal-Mart.  I was horrified by what I say... item after it stamped with the label, "Made in China".  I challenged my son to find as many items as he could that said made in America.  Smart boy as he is he immediately ran over tot he soda aisle and brought me back a bottle of coke. Upon examination the bottle said bottled in Mexico. The produce he picked up was made in Hondorus and ten other items including frozen fish were all from China, Jordan, Viet Nam and Peru.  Not one item had the made in the USA label.

While I understand that the recession has hit all of us hard.  I ask you all starting November 26th to December 4th to try and buy only made in the USA products!  Let's see if we can make this a national challenge/boycott and send a message to Wal-Mart and everyone else.. We want to buy American made goods. Help bring back manufacturing and industry help bring back the Made in the USA label. Thanks for your support.

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