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Monday, November 8, 2010

Support Our Deployed Troops

Having had the experience of being deployed with the U.S. Army/ Marine Corps; I had no idea, being Navy, how hard life was in the field as a grunt.  With the holiday season approaching I urge all of you to do the following to express your appreciation for our men and women serving in the field.

I respectfully encourage you, your children, and their schools to write letters to the troops. Yes letters. Mail is a huge morale booster. Ask your local church, synagogue, mosque and schools to sponsor support drives where items such as books, socks, toiletries sewing kits, baby wipes, razors, toilet paper can be collected and shipped overseas to our troops! Yes t.p. and other hygiene items we all take for granted.  Tremendously appreciated are items such as snack bars, little packages of drink mix  that you can add to your canteen such as Kool-Aid or other powdered drink mix, energy bars, hard candies, etc.

When traveling to a hotel next time, please take the soaps, shampoos, sewing kits, etc and donate them; also tremedously appreciated are baby wipes, and hand sanitizers. Ask your community to sponser paperback book drives, and games like magnetic checkers, chess, scrabble, decks of cards, etc. War is periods horrible feeling of extreme fear followed by boredom and exhaustion anything you can do to make our young men and women in the field feel a little more comfortable and appreciated is truly appreciated. 

As a community these items can be collected and boxed, and donated to local Naval or Air Bases to be transported abroad free of charge by contacting usually the base's chaplain or community service officer or the USO. Thank you in advance for your cooperation. Lastly, please do not forget back home to help sponsor my favorite charity the U.S. Marine Corps. Toys for Tots! Thanks.

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