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Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Press One for English!

It distresses me so that my blood pressure literally boils when I call an American company or any company based here in the U.S. and have to press one for English.  I have traveled all around the world and yet we are the only country in it's infinite wisdom that allows a language requirement to enter this country more than half a century ago to become a nation where the National language is now in question?

What the heck? How about a new choice, press one for Spanish otherwise hold for an attendant Damn It! This is America and our national language is last I checked English so why am  I the minority who has to be inconvenienced to hit one for English and hold!  WAKE UP AMERICA!

1 comment:

  1. I was at a Wells Fargo ATM and it gave me a choice of 6 languages!
