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Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Illegal Immigration & The Mexcian Border

Over the years I have seen literally millions if not billions spent to try and stem the flow of illegal immigrants from Mexico crossing it the U.S.  It is my opinion that this is a fruitless waste of time, energy, resources and  money that could be spent addressing and fixing the real issue.

Whether you want to hear it or not or recognize this to be the truth or not let's put it out their for all to recognize the truth!  The Mexicans are not stealing any jobs that we as Americans want or wish to perform.  Not since the Great Depression have Americans wanted jobs harvesting fruit or performing the hundreds of thousands of agricultural and menial labor jobs that the illegal immigrants fill.  Why not address the problem once and for all since they are not stealing are jobs why are you angry at them?  You are angry because when they come here they are not paying taxes and are costing border states  millions for things like medical expenses etc. So why not address the problem simply and smartly! 

Impose a national five to ten cent a pound tax on all produce and agricultural products and use that money to subsidize the states to recoup the expenses they lay out for these people utilizing the system. OMG you want to tax our food...! You evil monster!  Well simple fact is that your not going to stop purchasing grapes, oranges etc because of five cents more a lb. after all you have to eat and you certainly can afford two dollars more per person a week on groceries compared to you getting hit at the gas pump for $3.00 plus a gallon of gas.

Second create national work Visas that will be monitored by DHS and the Department of Agriculture that would allow for visas to be legally provided to companies to sponsor their help seasonally.  At the end of the season the help goes back home or moves on to another crop.  Impose significant taxes and penalties for companies for not paying a flat tax of  X dollars a week for every resident agricultural alien.  Again these taxes would offset if not eliminate all expenses states are presently complaining about.  Bottom line is that we need to eat, we are too fat and lazy to pick the crops ourselves and we need the jobs to be performed why not regulate the jobs and fix the problems with a minor tax that would remedy the present burden on the system!

Reality check not once has there been a terrorist since Pancho Villa that has crossed into this country from Mexico.  The threat has come from Canada where an alert Customs Official stopped two suspicious Muslim men who had a small thermonuclear device hidden in their vehicle.  Let's put our brave men and women to work stopping potential terrorist and drug smuggling and let's stop worrying about and bitching about those who without their help you would not be eating fruits, vegetables etc.  It is that simple a fix!

Press One for English!

It distresses me so that my blood pressure literally boils when I call an American company or any company based here in the U.S. and have to press one for English.  I have traveled all around the world and yet we are the only country in it's infinite wisdom that allows a language requirement to enter this country more than half a century ago to become a nation where the National language is now in question?

What the heck? How about a new choice, press one for Spanish otherwise hold for an attendant Damn It! This is America and our national language is last I checked English so why am  I the minority who has to be inconvenienced to hit one for English and hold!  WAKE UP AMERICA!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

National Buy Made Only in America Weekl

Last Saturday I went shopping with my son at Wal-Mart.  I was horrified by what I say... item after it stamped with the label, "Made in China".  I challenged my son to find as many items as he could that said made in America.  Smart boy as he is he immediately ran over tot he soda aisle and brought me back a bottle of coke. Upon examination the bottle said bottled in Mexico. The produce he picked up was made in Hondorus and ten other items including frozen fish were all from China, Jordan, Viet Nam and Peru.  Not one item had the made in the USA label.

While I understand that the recession has hit all of us hard.  I ask you all starting November 26th to December 4th to try and buy only made in the USA products!  Let's see if we can make this a national challenge/boycott and send a message to Wal-Mart and everyone else.. We want to buy American made goods. Help bring back manufacturing and industry help bring back the Made in the USA label. Thanks for your support.


If you recall three years ago our elected leaders all ran on the promise of bringing our troops home once elected.  the truth be told our national unemployment rate is close to 22% if not higher; and while the White House wants you to think unemployment rates have dropped they haven't.  As I explained to you in an earlier blog the rates have dropped due to the number of people collecting benefits decreasing because their benefits have run out.

As such the sad cold hard reality is that no elected official Democrat or Republican is going to draw down 1.5 million troops only to have them come home to no jobs.   Until our economy can turn around these brave men and women will remain in the field.  I urge you all to do your part by trying to buy goods and services made in America and stop purchasing junk made in China.  Let's help turn our economy around even without Congress's help by bringing back industry and manufacturing back to our country. We owe it to our troops and we owe it to all who helped build this country only to watch it be shipped overseas.Bring back the made in the USA label.

Ending BiPartisanship For the Sake of Fixing our Country and Economy

The recent election is a good time for both the Democrats and the Republicans to take a step back and realize that our country is in very serious trouble and that now is not the time for bipartisanship.  Now is the time for setting an agenda to fix this mess with meaningful actions and the implementation of policies to get things done.

Either party can emerge as the hero by demonstrating an ability to set an agenda for economic recovery but only if don so by demonstrating their ability to work first and foremost as Americans and work with the other party to achieve this goal.  In my opinion those who do so seamlessly and most cooperatively while setting a tone of national pride, a policy of working together as Americans, will no doubt in the end win the most seats in the 2012 elections.  Hopefully some of our elected representatives will see this as an opportunity to rally both parties to work as Americans and fix our present situation.

Things That Just Do Not Make Sense

Those of you who know me know that I have spent more than ten years with the Secretary of the Navy.  What does not make sense to me is why we as a nation continue to build ships that run on gas, oil or diesel fuel.  We as a nation have an entire fleet deployed to the Gulf to protect and ensure that our need for oil yet this fleet could be shut off in an instant if the oil producing nations decided to shut off our access to imported oil.  While some of you would say well we still have carriers and submarines, I remind you that the carriers can only function under a constant umbrella of air power and surface ships to act in a protective manner.  Our aircraft can be kept on deck again simply by shutting off our access to imported oil. 

We as a nation need to step back and examine the role oil plays in our national and global policies and realize that the Middle East can shut us down as a Global Super Power simply by shutting us off at the gas pump.  We as a nation need to refocus our policies toward developing alternative fuel sources such as hydrogen, nuclear, synthetic fuels alternatives such as bio-diesel, ethanol and other fuels which can allow planes to operate safely.

We are at a time in our history where we are losing our credibility as a Super Power both militarily and economically.  While we as a nation have an unemployment close to 24.5% we need to make efforts to put American's back to work through or ability to be innovative and resourceful by creating jobs that will focus on alternative fuel sources and by becoming a nation completely green and independent of any importation of oil products.  Ships need to be built utilizing hydrogen or nuclear for propulsion and not gasoline.  A national agenda to go completely green including our military and modernize our military forces for the 21st and 22nd century would develop millions of new jobs while creating a stronger more robust military force.

Our economy is in a sorry state, a national green initiative is an agenda equivalent to FDR's great work projects during the great depression. I urge you all to demand congress/senate to initiate a national green policy.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

An Easy Fix to Health Care Reform

Real Health Care Reform

 Those who know me will tell you I am a superb financial officer and administrator.  In 1987,  while attending graduate school I did extensive  research which was the basis of my  thesis which focused on providing  health care for all Americans without disrupting the present system: Health care reform is simple however politicians do not want a simple solution.

 Health care is outrageous because doctors have to incur the following expenses: Cost of education, overhead (office, equipment, etc), staff, medical malpractice insurance, etc.
My research showed that aside from the expense of school the second  greatest  expense was the medical malpractice insurance expense.  This  quite frankly despite what doctors want to tell you is a direct result of  physicians  failing to police themselves in an appropriate and responsible manner. Physicians attend weekly Morbidity and Mortal reviews.  It is a  confessional before their pairs where they can admit to some of the most  heinous of irresponsible behavior with the doors closed and no one will  rat on them or take action against them!  So when an incompetent physician accidentally kills your loved one or fails to see the start of an  infection  etc. no one reports them for their conduct or pulls their  license to practice!  My heart doesn't bleed when physicians "complain"  about their  medical malpractice premiums and blame the lawyers for  constantly being sued. The fact is that if incompetent physicians had  their licenses removed  the rate of law suits would decline thus pay out by insurance companies would decrease and their premiums would drop!  This is a fact and I have the research to prove it! My health care reform would start as follows:
 1.    Physicians voluntarily call for the suspension of licenses of  physicians who are incompetent thus reducing their malpractice premiums.

 2.     A panel would be assembled made up of the top doctors and medical professors to review cases of malpractice in an open forum judging the actions of their pairs and based on those recommendations that physician would be suspended and not allowed to practice in all 50 states!

 3.    Any and all qualified persons who have been accepted to medical school  and have graduated and passed their boards be allowed to chose the following career paths:
              a. private practice
              b. public service
 4.    Those who chose the public service career path would work out of medical school earning approximately $35K a year and over the next ten  years would receive $15K pay raises plus cost of living  based on  assignment.  In  exchange for ten years of public service there would be no over head expenses, no medical malpractice insurance expenses and lastly their student  loans would be forgiven.  
These physicians would work in clinics, hospitals, physicians offices, military bases and tribal reservations based  on demographic needs, specialization supervision (i.e. residency requirements) etc. When these physicians are not treating those without insurance they would  see other patients and their time would be billed back to the hospital, doctors office etc. which in turn would be billed to that person's private  carrier and those fees recouped by the federal government and paid back to the hospitals for allowing use of facilities or would remain with the  Federal Government. At the end of ten years  should the physician wish to  stay in the public sector they would work a  normal 45 hour week instead  of the schedule of those in private practice.  They would earn a capped  salary of $190K to $250K salary based on level of  specialization.  In  addition, they would be allowed to sign a code of ethics  which would allow them to practice and maintain their own malpractice  insurance  outside their assigned facilities and see/treat patients privately after  fulfilling their 45 hours a week at their assigned offices.
Those who wish to avoid public service would continue practicing medicine  as  always however their medical malpractice rates would be reduced  significantly based on the efforts to remove physicians who are deemed  unfit  to practice medicine. My program statistics showed that when more than 1000 physicians and 2000  students were surveyed if they would participate in such a program overwhelmingly more that 88.72% stated emphatically yes citing that  in  order for them to make close to $200k a year they had to bill on average close to $3 million dollars citing that insurance companies only pay a  capped reimbursement for procedures performed despite what was billed for  the services. For example a bone marrow transplant may cost $350K however  the hospital and physician may only be reimbursed collectively 10 to 15%
5.     Companies with more than 50 employees would be required to provide  health  insurance to all employees. Companies would be given greater tax  breaks for doing so.  Those companies which failed to provide said benefits  would be forced to pay a  5% to 10% tax on their gross receipts before any deductions for expenses would be allowed.
6.     Legislation needs to be passed concerning the costs of drugs in the U.S. Pharmaceutical companies in the U.S charge the nation for the costs of R&D and clinical trials etc to get their drug to market with the U.S.  citizens bearing 100% of the costs yet the very same drugs are sold overseas for pennies.  I know I lived in Brazil, Iraq, Kuwait and have traveled to the U.K.,  Finland and other countries around the world and have included their drug pricing into my research.
7.     Lastly the delicate issue of legislation in my opinion must be addressed as to whether health insurance providers be allowed to operate  for profit or not.  Most of you are my parents friends age and will remember that up until the 90(s) these companies were not allowed to make a profit but operate on a breakeven plus reserves basis.  This would again "lower"  the  price of service on the private sector side.  My research shows that such a program fully funded would cost an estimated  $86 to $108 billion a year which is literally a fraction of the U.S. bill  they are trying to pass presently, it is about 23% of the budget for  Homeland Security ( I know I managed about a $100 Billion for Homeland Security under the Bush administration with a total annual budget of more than $472B).  This program could put 300, 000 physicians into public  service at an average salary of $168K, plus an additional $30 to $54B a  year for the actual costs  of medications, overhead and diagnostics. This recommended program is affordable to our country compared to what is  being debated and would work.  I know because my plan was reviewed by more than six professors and ten physicians and all concurred that this was a  great opportunity to reform health care. I graduated with a 3.9 out of  4.0.

 Aside from step 6 and 7 my plan as is would fix the problem in our country  immediately.  Adding legislation through steps 6 and 7 would create a  world class health care reform policy which would be the envy of the  world.   I  sincerely  urge all of you  to pass this email to everyone you  know and help share my research and thoughts with your congressmen and  senators and have them contact me to discuss this plan.  I can be reached at this website.



In a nation where there is much unemployment and despair I have taken the liberty of becoming an entrepreneur in order to put food on the table.

I have coined the following words to be added to the English Language Dictionary..

Obamanomics... the art or belief that you can simply spend billions of American tax dollars on nothing while believing you are fixing the economy and creating jobs.

Obamanation...this is what our nation. The United States will be referred to as a result of the policy of Obamanomics has bankrupted our country and destabilized the global economy!

Please feel free to contact me here to purchase your Obamanomics Just Isn't Working For Me or America bumper stickers.

Where Have All The Jobs Gone?

As a man in my mid forties I look back to when I was in my early teens and almost everything my family purchased was made in the USA.  Over the years our politicians have fooled us into telling us trade agreements would increase our exports and keep us number in the world as the true Economic Super Power.

The truth be told all I have seen is familiar labels like Zenith, Pioneer, May Tag, CAT, General Electric, General Motors be replaced by such names as Mitsubishi, Sony, Toyota, Lexus and a million non named labels to simply say, "Made in China". 

The truth be told we once were a nation that was able to fight a Global War on Two Fronts simultaneously while literally being the arsenal of democracy.  We literally were able to manufacture hundreds of tanks, jeeps and planes every day to not only supply our forces in Europe and the Pacific but also to supply our allies as well. We literally were able to build ships at a rate of one per ship yard every week. Imagine building a ship in one week! Now imagine that ship being built with pride and with little or no defects. Necessity also made us a nation dependent on being innovative resulting in the creation of plastics, synthetic fuel, synthetic oil and fibers.  When resources were not available we came up with solutions and we succeeded!  Unions built our labor and industries to be the best in the world with no competitors for price or quality. No I have seen hundreds of industries move overseas due to  unions failing to be price competitive while at the same time producing over priced, poor quality  goods. Once where there was competitiveness prices were low and quality was high. Now there is no competitiveness simply because there are no items manufactured here in the U.S. any more.

The sad thing I have noticed is that not only are there very few if any products manufactured her in the United States but the items I do find are made poorly, with little pride or craftsmanship, this is why businesses like GM are failing! We as a nation have allowed our jobs be shipped over seas because we as Americans are fed up buying over priced, poorly made American goods, so instead ,we end up buying cheaper, still poorly manufactured items which were produced in China!

Almost all of our industries are gone, the jobs shipped to countries like China, India, Viet Nam and Latin America.  I can not help but wonder what would happen if we ever had to fight another world war like WWII?  We would be SCREWED!

As a nation, our elected leaders need to focus on addressing fixing our economy by putting heavy tariffs on imports, providing money to bring back industries focused on manufacturing here in the U.S.A. such items as steel, tires, electronics, clothing, ship building and dare I say energy!  Yes we should be pioneering the research and manufacturing of such items as fuel cells, wind turbines, and solar panels. Imagine GM, Chrysler or Ford manufacturing cars that were better made that their Japanese or German competitors and imagine what would happen if they not only were cheaper, built here in the USA but got on average 135 MPG. Imagine what would happen.. You would buy American made cars and we as a nation would start exporting those cars also due to global demand!

What I learned from my late grandparents was that their generation rose to a challenge, FDR put millions back to work building our nation's infrastructure, while WWII made us a Global Super Power. Sadly no one has maintained the roads, tunnels, levees, and infrastructure built sixty or seventy years ago and even sadder is that no one has taken notice that these items desperately need our immediate attention and while doing so 11 Million new jobs can be created.

Millions more jobs can also be created by becoming a nation of exporters again! Let's bring back manufacturing and industries here to the USA. Let's create the label for the world to recognize for quality, value and craftsmanship and let it say.. Made in the USA and not Made in China.

I issue you all a challenge whenever possible look for and buy goods made in the USA and boycott places like Wal-Mart and their cheap Made in China Products.  Write your elected Officials and demand that they fund projects to make money available to bring back industry to the U.S.A. Please share this blog with your friends!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Support Our Deployed Troops

Having had the experience of being deployed with the U.S. Army/ Marine Corps; I had no idea, being Navy, how hard life was in the field as a grunt.  With the holiday season approaching I urge all of you to do the following to express your appreciation for our men and women serving in the field.

I respectfully encourage you, your children, and their schools to write letters to the troops. Yes letters. Mail is a huge morale booster. Ask your local church, synagogue, mosque and schools to sponsor support drives where items such as books, socks, toiletries sewing kits, baby wipes, razors, toilet paper can be collected and shipped overseas to our troops! Yes t.p. and other hygiene items we all take for granted.  Tremendously appreciated are items such as snack bars, little packages of drink mix  that you can add to your canteen such as Kool-Aid or other powdered drink mix, energy bars, hard candies, etc.

When traveling to a hotel next time, please take the soaps, shampoos, sewing kits, etc and donate them; also tremedously appreciated are baby wipes, and hand sanitizers. Ask your community to sponser paperback book drives, and games like magnetic checkers, chess, scrabble, decks of cards, etc. War is periods horrible feeling of extreme fear followed by boredom and exhaustion anything you can do to make our young men and women in the field feel a little more comfortable and appreciated is truly appreciated. 

As a community these items can be collected and boxed, and donated to local Naval or Air Bases to be transported abroad free of charge by contacting usually the base's chaplain or community service officer or the USO. Thank you in advance for your cooperation. Lastly, please do not forget back home to help sponsor my favorite charity the U.S. Marine Corps. Toys for Tots! Thanks.

Friday, November 5, 2010

The Truth About Unemployment Figures

Many people are under the perception that things are starting to turn around economically based on false numbers reported by the Bureau of Statistics and Labor concerning the nation's unemployment rate.

The truth be told is as follows:  The National Unemployment Rate is calculated by adding the number of people in each state who are collecting unemployment benefits.   I say this again.. The National Unemployment Rate is calculated by adding up the number of people in each state that are collecting unemployment benefits.  If your benefits run out and you are no longer eligible for unemployment benefits, even though you have not found a job you are no longer considered unemployed!  Can you see why this number is not an accurate number?

Presently there are hundreds of thousands of people who's benefits have run out and still have not found employment yet under the present system of calculating the unemployment rate these people are no longer counted so the number decreases each month as people's benefits expire.  Truth be told that under that kind of idiotic methodology for calculating the unemployment rate theoretically the nation's unemployment could go to zero once everyone's benefits expired, yet these people including myself are no closer to finding a job than the Pope is going to be  Bar Mitzvahed.

The government and the media hide these facts and hope that out of your own ignorance that you will believe what is being told but educated people know better. What I am telling you is an absolute fact that you can look up for yourself.  Should a national survey be taken where by everyone were to lets say log in and vote only once a week whether they were employed or not the real nation unemployment rate sadly would be closer to 16 or 20 percent. 

I urge you all as American's demand that Congress, the Senate and the White House work together to report information truthfully and accurately and that collectively real efforts for fixing unemployment are taken including rebuilding our nation's infrastructure, creating and agenda to go green, and increased tariffs on imports while creating tax breaks for industries and businesses which create jobs here at home. Lastly, when making purchases... try although it is becoming increasingly difficult I admit to do so, purchase items which are labeled made in the USA over cheap, mass produced crap manufactured in China.

If we take these steps, together we will eventually pass through these stormy waters.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Two years ago the present occupant of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue ran on a campaign pledge of change.  Well my fellow Americans he has kept that promise.  In case you have not noticed things have gone from bad to WORSE! 

As a nation we are on the verge of global down fall making us a third world country and the laughing stock of the globe!

This head in a bag approach of handing money to everyone without understanding the cause and effect of the problems we face has made us $1 Trillion more in debt and yet not one jobs has been created. This administration wants you to believe that unemployment is down.. This is true but not because people have found jobs!  The truth be told unemployment is down because the number of people who are eligible to collect unemployment benefits has dropped simply because their benefits have run out.  Since the only means used to determine and unemployment number is to count the number of people who are collecting benefits the numbers being reported are grossly understated since those who are no longer eligible for benefits are no longer considered unemployed!

We have handed out billions to Wall Street, Insurance Companies and the automobile industry and have done so without holding them accountable to change the way they do business.

In my professional opinion if you want to fix the automobile industry you allow a bailout condition upon all future vehicles manufactured would exceed German and Japanese auto manufacturer standards, that said vehicles would provide better warranties than their foreign competitors and get this all would get a minimum of 135 plus miles to the gallon all for the less than what the competition is selling their vehicles for.

While I did not graduate from Harvard Business School with a degree in economics common sense says that if you had a choice of buying a Honda or a Chevy for the same price but the Chevy was built better, had a better warranty and got 135 plus miles to the gallon would you not buy the domestic product over the import?  Globally would others overseas not want to start purchasing these vehicles also and would an exportation of product not create jobs while increasing our domestic product and reducing our trade deficit?

If I were elected that would be the type of condition I would have made in order to use our tax payer's money for a bailout.  Two years of OBAMANOMICS HAS NOT WORKED! IT IS TIME FOR CHANGE AND THE CHANGE MUST BE TO WAKE UP AND START DOING THINGS RIGHT, BETTER AND DO SO QUICKLY BEFORE WE ARE NO LONGER A NATION!

Vote today and then put these people on notice that we want SOME ACCOUNTABILITY

Fixing Our Nation!

While today is a big day in politics the realization is that nothing can be accomplished until we work together Democrats, Republicans and Independents cooperatively with a focus on a unified vision. Not since President Kennedy have we as a nation risen to face a national challenge...  to be the first nation to put a man on the moon and safely return him to earth.  We as a nation are dieing! We are on the verge of becoming a third world nation and we have to work together not as Democrats, Republicans, Independents but as Americans to rise to the challenge to fix our nation.

As we all know the present economic policies of the Obama administration have not created one job nor helped improve the economics of this nation.  If I were elected to office, I personally could create 11 million new job in less than 2 years while eliminating the single greatest exportation hurting our nation, our exportation of trillions of dollars spent on the importation of oil.

Oil companies are worried about the world going green yet their short sightedness is costing them billions in profits that could be made by eliminating the middlemen, our middle eastern friends. What the oil companies fail to recognize is that the infrastructure the oil companies have created such as service stations, pipelines, etc will always be necessary and as such utilized however they stand to gain huge profits by eliminating their buying oil!

If we as a nation set an agenda to be completely green within two years and independent of importing all oil and oil products, we as a nation would as a result of making these changes would have the highest national savings, lowest national taxes, and a surplus of jobs. By going completely green through the utilization of wind, solar, fuel cells for both commercial and residential usage and a campaign to use only hydrogen whenever possible  approximately 7 million new jobs would be created.

An additional 4 million jobs would be created through our investing in a policy of USA first A National policy focused on rebuilding our nation's infrastructure from the town level to the national level.  Like the great construction projects during the depression the rebuilding of every road, bridge, tunnel, electrical grid, water and sewage system, damn, levee Million new jobs would be created.  In addition  half a million new jobs or more could be created by revamping our rail systems and inventing high speed coast to coast rail road system like Europe's allow passengers to be able to go from Boston to DC in two hours or New York to LA in ten hours.

Under taking these national challenges and policies would restore our economy and Super Power Status while at the same time reducing our independence on the importation of oil and restoring our work force to full employment.  I remind you all that such project in the 1800 and early nineteen hundreds created millions of jobs, so many in fact that there was wide spread immigration of persons because the requirement for labor could not be met internally.  Now as a nation such implementation of policies would restore full employment while reemerging our nation to be number one again.  Such projects are desperately needed as a nation to become great again. It is investment in our country first and foremost that will keep us as a global economic and global superpower.

We as a nation need to have our elected officials see a new vision and issue a national challenge to rebuild our nation to truly become a super nation once again.  It is not rocket science, it is common sense. 

The first step to this success is to stop the bipartisanship that is killing us as a nation and realize that our very survival as a nation is dependent upon us coming together as Americans, with one vision, and the leadership to make these goals a reality! Vote today and then send our elected leaders a message stop the bipartisanship that is killing us, work together as American and set these two goals as our nation's challenge and new agenda! If we don't our existence as a nation is questionable!