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Thursday, January 31, 2013


Many people have been posting stories stating that unemployment is down and that there seems to be improvement in the economy.  Further some geniuses the U.S. has reported a rise in wages trying to convince you that things are getting better so is it? How can this be?

Here is the ugly truth....

Unemployment is a fictional number is is calculated by counting the number of people who are drawing unemployment benefits from the state they reside. Once your unemployment benefits run out guess what? YOU ARE NO LONGER COUNTED AS BEING UNEMPLOYED!!!!!! HOW STUPID IS THIS??? Facts will show that unemployment if calculated by adding those collecting benefits plus those out of work and no longer eligible for benefits would put the numbers up horrifically something that politicians don't want you to know! The real number is staggering and truly scary!

Facts on Salaries/Wages being up: Well the simple reason wages or salaries seems to have risen is simple there are less people working lower paying jobs that have been shipped off shore so when the number of people working has decreased divided by the salaries range the statistical fact is that the average salary number will increase rules of simple math.

 The Root of the Problem:

 The facts are that we will not be able to fix our economy until we bring back jobs in this country and this means real lower and middle class jobs which bring back MANUFACTURING.

 Until you bring back the Made in the USA label we will be stuck as an economy with fewer jobs and greater numbers of people competing for them. Take a long look around you what do you see is missing compared to ten, twenty, forty, or sixty years ago?  Have you noticed?

Gone are the Knitting and Steel Mills that clothed us and produced the steel to build our nation. Gone are the Ship Yards, Tire Factories, Shoe Mills, Metal Shop, and Furniture Mills. Gone are the factories that produced our light bulbs and electronics! Gone are the manufacturing plants that built components for the automobile industry, medical and electronic devices manufacturers, gone are the sewing mills and rail road depots. These were once the major employers of the lower and middle class that was and still should be what makes America!

Every cargo container unloaded in our ports hurts our economy especially when these ships sail off empty with nothing to export!  But how can we export when there are no factories to manufacture goods to trade?

Worse is that our politicians can create jobs tomorrow if they did nothing more than to see how badly our infrastructure is in need of desperate need of repair and fund these critically needed repairs.

 As a Nation we need to rebuild our dilapidated infrastructure rebuilding our outdated levees, damns and deteriorating highways and roads. We need to rebuild our telecommunications and power grid networks, as well as replace our aging bridges and tunnel. The jobs especially when done using U.S. made materials will provide jobs for the next twenty to fifty years and will in turn rebuild our economy.
Lastly, we need to start filling every cargo ship that leaves our ports with better made, affordable exports while at the same decreasing our consumption of imports. If we use this common sense approach to understanding economics and the economy the faster we can once again be the greatest nation in the world again!

What To Do:

 The time has come to stop complaining about nothing getting done and start calling your senators and congressman and demand that the put and end to bipartisanship and start acting as Americans united to address a national crisis! What are you waiting for...Go yell at someone to do their job and put Americans back to work!


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