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Thursday, January 31, 2013


It has finally come to a point where we as a country need to help our President help rebuild our nation and fix this economy once and for all.
In one of my earlier blogs .. Eulogy for America , I wrote that Abraham Lincoln stated that a house divided could not stand by itself. One Hundred and Fifty Four Years Later this truth is self evident!

We as a nation have proudly boasted of our nation being one of free elections, freedom of speech and living in a republic with freely elected representation of the people, by the people and for the people.

How terrible it seems that the truth is that while we try and convince the world that our society is the best we as a nation are destroying ourselves because of BIPARTISANSHIP.
Yes I am going to lecture again on the evils of Bipartisanship again because it is has been taken to an all time extreme of system failure.

Gone are the days where Ronald Reagan a Republican could sit side by side with Tip O'Neil the great liberal Bostonian and work not as adversaries but as Americans to rebuild our nation! How was it that one of the greatest of Republican Presidents could succeed with a House and Senate both controlled by Democrats.... Because Reagan and O'Neil instilled in our elected officials THAT they all were Americans first elected of the people, by the people and working for the people...Wow a concept now almost gone forever it seems!!!!

Gone are the free thinking individuals we elected to represent us not as Democrats or Republicans but as elected Americans representing the foundations of government of the people, by the people and for the people.

I for one am tired of being asked what party I belong to because the truth is I am ashamed of both parties and how they have failed to do anything but turn our nation upside down and have failed to realize our need for decisive leadership and a course of action agreed upon by the many!

When I am asked I reply, I am a lost breed... I am neither a Democrat nor a Republican... I am an American....! Are there any others out there? 

Until we all demand that our elected officials come together as a Nation of Americans we will never fix our nation's problems and the concept of government of the people, by the people and for the people will be viewed by the world as a social experiment that failed replaced by Two Parties creating A House Divided!


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