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Wednesday, May 15, 2013


Am I the only person who finds it alarmingly concerning that our wounded veterans are having to rely on private charitable organizations to supplement the car and support they need after returning home wounded?


These brave young men and women signed a contract with our nation to serve, protect and defend our nation against all enemies, both foreign and domestic. It is a shame that the true enemy they are facing is our own government.

Our nation has a moral, ethical and above all else legal obligation to ensure that these men, women, and their families, receive the medical and emotional support they are DESERVE AND ARE ENTITLED and not have to rely upon support from private charitable organizations! I ASK,  REALLY WITH ALL THE WASTEFUL GOVERNMENT SPENDING OF THIS ADMINISTRATION ARE WE THAT MORALLY BANKRUPT TO NOT TAKE CARE OF THESE VETERANS AND RELY ON CHARITY?

Charity I was taught begins at home and it is about time the charity stop with foreign aid when so many of our returning service men and women so desperately need our help! Let's right this wrong and demand better for our returning veterans! I ask all you to take five minutes and call your Senators and Congressmen and demand that these returning veterans be supported with the aid they need, deserve and entitled before our tax dollars aid some third world country or other senseless spending program!




Monday, May 6, 2013


With all our nation's trillion's wasted on senseless government spending I ask when is the government ever going to start asking what are they funding and is funding that funding effective in solving the intended issues?

Tom Ridge announced today that twelve years after 9/11, and in light of the recent tragic events in Boston, that our government and law enforcement have no clue where tens of thousands of foreigners are herein the United States under the pretense of student visas and visas. In addition, Ridge and Congressional members want to know why FBI and DHS ignored documents presented to FBI agents in our embassy in Russia about the Tsarnaev family including both brothers as well as the mother!

Does this sound familar, did we not learn our lesson from the ignored intel that remained uninvestigated prior to 9/11!!! Truly uncomforting and most concerning!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013


With the fall of the Iron Curtain and the "Evil Empire's demise" I can not help but wonder if the world is truly a safer?  Our late President Ronald Reagan so committed to the demise of the former Soviet Union perhaps may have miss read who truly are enemies were and are. We built our armed forces to show we were willing to go to toe to toe with the Russians opposing their ideology but again I wonder were they ever a threat.  The more I learn about the former Soviet Union the more I have learned that they like any other country had suffered horrible losses during WWII and wanted to insulate themselves from ever having to be invaded again and suffer such horrendous losses.

Before the fall of the Soviet Union only six nations had nuclear weapons, U.S., USSR, China, U.K. France and Israel.  The Soviets knew of the insatiability in the world and kept order by refusing further nuclear proliferation.  With the fall of the USSR we now have to worry about radical countries such as North Korea, Iran, Pakistan, India, and half a dozen other rogue nations daily trying to obtain nuclear weapons. 

I love this country and I do not think any one on the planet can challenge me on that fact, but as an educated American I have the right to question our leaders and policies if I do not agree with them and do so in a peaceful unchallenged method, i.e. speak freely without worry about being arrested or detained.  As an American I find myself questioning our foreign and domestic policies more and more.  I wonder what right if any do we have to tell any country that the way they treat their citizens is wrong and that they need to change or we will change their ways for them?  Is that sane?  Do we not have enough problems here at home that are unresolved that need immediate attention before fixing the world of their problems? 

I believe that any sovereign nation has the right to peacefully co-exist on this planet with the rest of the world's inhabitants as long as they are not invading or imposing their will on others.  I believe that what happens within your borders is a matter of that nation's citizens and not that of the world and certainly not the United States.  I believe that we should help our allies protect themselves when necessary but I do not believe that our nation should sacrifice our youth for the promotion of our beliefs to be forced upon others.

In the end we have repeatedly been kicked in the groin by nations calling us their friends while our perceived enemies have never invaded our country or committed an act of terrorism on our soil!  I remind everyone that 9/11 was not the Russians but Saudis, Afghans, the recent bombing of the Boston Marathon Chechen Muslim extremist all people who the Soviets had problems with that we defended only to be kicked in the groin by the very people we helped, is that good foreign policy?

Too many of our brave young men and women have given so much to help these people on to be repaid as a nation with violence on our soil against the very citizens who helped these people! 

The time has come to focus on rebuilding our country, its infrastructure and restoring its once mega manufacturing capabilities, while providing jobs to so many out of work. We need to return our troops from foreign soils who will never or understand our beliefs so long as their religion dictates their laws and culture! We as a nation need to round up the scourge that has infiltrated our nation and send them home every last one regardless of color, creed, religion, race if they have no intention to become citizens and live through assimilation in accordance with local, state and federal laws! Until these issues are addressed we will continue to bankrupt us as a nation while our citizens are killed by those who have moved here with the intentions of committing evil.  The time is now to wake up and rebuild our nation to be the shining beacon we once were believed to be and not the laughing stock of the world soon to be bankrupt and over run from outsiders!

Tuesday, April 30, 2013


It is more than two weeks since we as a nation sat in horror witnessing the latest attack on our beloved country. I cannot help but wonder how a nation conceived in liberty, its constitution allowing for freedom of religion, speech, press and assembly is being destroyed by terrorist who under the pretense of seeking "asylum" use these constitutional freedoms to enter this country!

As our political relations strengthen with our former "enemy" Russia we should accept their sharing of intelligence and warnings about people that they have welcomed to leave! We as a nation can no longer demand that the world treat its citizens the way we do and must accept their laws of governance for their citizens!  Only when their views and politics threaten our citizens and nation's safety should foreign policy change!

With that said the more we learn about the Tsarnaevs the more we need to take a hard look at who we have allowed to visit our shores and what are they up to? Laws need to be passed making colleges and universities report attendance of foreign nationals here on student visas, their failure to attend classes should mean an immediate expulsion and a free trip back to the airport to board a plane back to their homeland. Freedom of speech is for U.S. citizens not foreign nationals!

It is little surprise that the bombers were Muslim extremists. While Christians, Jews, Hindus teach their children how precious life is, to live in harmony with others and to support and defend their country and their right to live and practice in freedom. Muslims teach their children hatred and intolerance of all non believers, they encourage their children martyrdom and that killing non believers is the sure way to get to their warped version of heaven that there is no tolerance for any other religion or other forms of law or justice other than sharia law.

Based on these warnings and the fact that there are so many Arab countries where they could live and practice their religion and law freely one must ask why come here? The reality is that no other country allows for immigrants to come to their country and demand changes to existing laws, customs, regulations, and constitutional freedoms, yet the immigration of Muslims to this country has shown these resident aliens demanding and forcing their extremist religious views upon us! In Fairfax, VA they demand schools serve halal meals to all students, in other parts of the country states, counties, cities etc are demanding that governors, mayors and council members and courts should banish the constitution in favor of sharia Law!

I ask what the hell is wrong with us as a Nation? No where, and I mean no where else in the world would that behavior be tolerated. Our forefathers, and ancestors came to this country to get away from the old laws and ways they were forced to live in their homelands! They agreed to learn English, learn the laws of the U.S. and raise their right hand to be sworn in to be law abiding taxpaying U.S. citizens who agreed to protect our country and defend our constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic. Again, you do not see Jews demanding that all public schools serve kosher meals, Hindus vegan nor do you see Christians demand everyone worship Christ! So Again I ask why the hell are we letting these people into our country and allowing them to make us conform to their ways?

The time has come that under the laws of the Constitution you either agree to live by our laws and assimilate or pack up and go back home if they'll take you back. If you commit an act of terrorism as a U.S. citizen then you are tried for treason and get the expedited death sentence like Timothy McVeigh if you are a foreign national you are sent to Gitmo where the government will give you all the love and attention you demand while in the safe custody away from society. Immigration should be based on desire to live here in peace and accordance with our laws not the ones you felt so oppressive of that you fled your country from! I say let’s get out the ICE agent and FBI six months of overtime and a few dozen ships waiting in the various ports and we will once again make our street and citizens safe to live as a nation under the constitution of the U.S.

Demand that your Senators and Representatives stop this non-sense about passing gun tougher laws and demand that we pass tougher laws on immigration and foreign policy as it effects our nation's safety not our view of how others should govern their citizens!!!!


Monday, April 1, 2013


How different and safe the world could be I wonder if we had a the ability to go back in time!

Growing up as a product of the sixties I was constantly told of the evils of the USSR and the empire they controlled destined to invade us and force us into a life of communism.  We watched in the 80's in horror when the Soviets invaded Afghanistan, how Iraq was our allie how President Ronald Reagan had the balls to stand up to all our enemies by showing that America was not a country to be messed with.. with her 600 hundred ship navy prowling the world and our B1Bs and B52s at the standby and missiles loaded in snug in their silos Reagan went toe to toe with Iran, East Germany, Cuba and the evil empire..USSR. 

Through Reagan's taking advantage of a robust economy we were able to bankrupt the Soviets and take down the Axis of Evil.  Today our economy can sustain our military.  Our once mighty fleet of 600 gleeming ships of prey reduced to less than 250 while we fighting wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, Kosovo and now potentially Iran and Iraq.  With the Soviets in power we always could count on them never allowing their puppet states to obtain or gain access to nuclear, chemical or biological weapons.  Today ever two bit thug with a check book now can hold us at bay while threatening us with potential release of nuclear weapons. 

How safe and better a place perhaps the world would be if we allowed the Soviets to wipe out the Islamic extremists that threaten the world of Infidels and non believers! How safe I wonder would the world be if our idiot elected officials today had the common sense to understand that Reagan was able to succeed in keeping us safe because we had an economy able to fund and supply the brave men and women serving our nation.  How safe would the world be if we were a country able to still feed the world and exportation of goods by the ship load we keep people employed to pay the taxes needed to fund our military.

Bottom line how safe would the world be if we could go back in time and keep our nation focused on the common sense approaches Ronald Reagan used to lead what was our nation's potentially second finest hour?

Tuesday, March 5, 2013


Today, the White House announced that due to sequestration all tours of the White House will be cancelled. Perhaps in the spirit of cost containment and fiscal responsibility we as citizens should restrict the President to staying at the White House instead of spending millions of dollars every time he wants to go to Five Guys in Arlington or take his girls for ice cream in Alexandria, or everytime he has the Air Force warm up one of seven 747s or 777 any time he feels like taking a global vacation?

Should we not withhold all pay checks for both the Senate and House until they sit down and get their acts together to start to put  differences aside and fix our Nation's economic crisis in the next week with legitimate resolution and creativeness to overhaul taxes, fix our nation's infrastructure and once and for all put the tens of millions of Americans who want to work back to work with real jobs?

Not for nothing but would we not be better off with a flat tax for all citizens of 7.5% and a 15% for corporations and imposing a national VAT of 1.5%.  Would we not be better off having everyone pay something than to have more than half paying nothing while the other half pays for everyone?

I am pretty sure that if you locked these clowns in the building and would not let them out until there was resolution to our budget and economic wows things would get done!  So let's flood the switchboards of the House, Senate and White House and demand this situation be resolved by the end of next week or not one of them gets paid!

Saturday, March 2, 2013


Perhaps we as citizens have failed to make it clear to our elected that they work for US! That they have been entrusted with the responsibilities of conveying our thoughts, concerns and resquests to formulate rules, regulations and laws to better our society.

Yesterday's sequestration is one more sign that the system is broken AND IN NEED OF DESPERATE OVERHAUL!!!!  Perhaps instead of the President cutting over $85 billion in spending that is essential for the economy's recovery we draw a hard line once and for all to send a message to all these clowns in Washington...NO APPROVED BUDGET THEN NO ONE ELECTED GETS PAID THIS INCLUDES THE PRESIDENT.

I ask once and for all what is it going to take to get these people to stop acting like idiots and start acting as concerned Americans trying to fix our economy?  I am a firm believer that the only way to get these people to take the hint is to hurt them where they live the WALLLET.

Let's see what would happen if you even dared to try and pass legislation that would deny elected officials their salary until a balanced budget was formulated, approved and signed into law!  Bottom line is the only people who will suffer as a result of the this sequestration is the American Public and not the elected who will collect their $200K salaries through their bi-weekly  pay checks as will their staff and the President his $400K as well.  Let's send a message...NO Budget NO Pay! Then let's see how quickly these people will get their act together!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013


My definition of gun control I believe is completely different than that of our President or most legislatures... I am pretty sure that what I learned from the academy and from my friends was that gun control meant using two hands, taking a deep breathe and letting it out slowly as you gently squeezed the trigger, only after taking an extra two seconds to ensure your aim!!!!

The truth about gun control is that it only keeps guns out of the hands of law abiding citizens! If you are a criminal you have no regard for the law and therefore will always find a way around the law to gain access to firearms!

The problem with knee jerk reactions to such horrible incidents such as Newtown is that they are REACTIVE and NOT ANALYTICAL.. I.E. they fail to understand and address the real problem.
In this country the issue is not gun control but providing access to mental health clinicians to those who are in need of mental health! Yes, I said it. Guns do not kill people..Nut Cases Kill People!

If our nation would take a different view as to eliminating its stigma over mental health then more people would be inclined to more confidently seek access to getting the mental healthcare they need. Lets all face it we all will share the name of a good dentist, internist, general practioner, dermatologist, or gynocologist with friends family or someone new to town. But let's face it would you tell your friends, family you are seeing a psychiatrist or psychologist? Would you make a recommendation to a friend here is the name of a great psychologist I see? The answer shamefully is NO, because of the stigma associated with the need to be seen or treated BY a mental health care clinician.

I for one truly believe that the answer to our issues of violence in our streets and the use of violence using firearms does not get resolved by the passing of half ass legislation that fails to address the root cause of the violence... usually mental health!

I believe that when you examine the facts regarding Newtown, you will learn that the shooter had a long running history of mental illness, that his own mother recognized his illness and rather than get her son the help he so desperately needed instead took her son the range to teach him how to use a firearm! I ask you all where is the sanity of that? Would any of you give a monkey a loaded gun in a room full of people and be surprised that someone ends up getting hurt or killed? NO!!!!!

Call me over educated but like I said my definition of gun control means taking careful aim, breathe control and using two hands when using a firearm. Solving the problem to preventing future incidents like Newtown, Columbine and any where else violence has and will occur is getting people who need help the access they deserve prior to their hurting others and doing so with out putting a stigma on them! I know none of you brave and loyal veterans would ever judge a fellow veteran for being treated for Post Traumatic Stress Disease. I respectfully ask why should we as a society make people feel the need to avoid help to the point where they break simply because these people are afraid of how we would view them knowing they were getting help before they break?

I leave you with this thought twenty years ago you would have never have seen a commercial for anti-depressants on television, so why is it we laugh at the commercials or silently judge people who may need these drugs? Is it not better these potential ticking time bombs are defused and are treated before someone gets hurt? Let's focus our efforts not on gun control legislation let's focus on directing our legislatures to understand and address the real problem and pass laws to provide easier access for people to get the help they need!

Thursday, January 31, 2013


It has finally come to a point where we as a country need to help our President help rebuild our nation and fix this economy once and for all.
In one of my earlier blogs .. Eulogy for America , I wrote that Abraham Lincoln stated that a house divided could not stand by itself. One Hundred and Fifty Four Years Later this truth is self evident!

We as a nation have proudly boasted of our nation being one of free elections, freedom of speech and living in a republic with freely elected representation of the people, by the people and for the people.

How terrible it seems that the truth is that while we try and convince the world that our society is the best we as a nation are destroying ourselves because of BIPARTISANSHIP.
Yes I am going to lecture again on the evils of Bipartisanship again because it is has been taken to an all time extreme of system failure.

Gone are the days where Ronald Reagan a Republican could sit side by side with Tip O'Neil the great liberal Bostonian and work not as adversaries but as Americans to rebuild our nation! How was it that one of the greatest of Republican Presidents could succeed with a House and Senate both controlled by Democrats.... Because Reagan and O'Neil instilled in our elected officials THAT they all were Americans first elected of the people, by the people and working for the people...Wow a concept now almost gone forever it seems!!!!

Gone are the free thinking individuals we elected to represent us not as Democrats or Republicans but as elected Americans representing the foundations of government of the people, by the people and for the people.

I for one am tired of being asked what party I belong to because the truth is I am ashamed of both parties and how they have failed to do anything but turn our nation upside down and have failed to realize our need for decisive leadership and a course of action agreed upon by the many!

When I am asked I reply, I am a lost breed... I am neither a Democrat nor a Republican... I am an American....! Are there any others out there? 

Until we all demand that our elected officials come together as a Nation of Americans we will never fix our nation's problems and the concept of government of the people, by the people and for the people will be viewed by the world as a social experiment that failed replaced by Two Parties creating A House Divided!



Today's military is more reliant upon technology than numbers...

I worry that such reliance on technology in the event of such a potentially devastaing threat as an Electro Magnetic Pulse (EMP) would put us back to the stone age destroying our economy and our safety with greater simplicity than any man made virus or weapon of mass destruction ever could.

It is essential that our military and the wonderful young men and women serving our country still be trained on the fundementals of land and sea navigation using  low tech approaches such as maps and compasses, that they be able to call in artillary and air strikes low tech methodologies using maps and grids and not being reliant upon technology that could be destroyed leaving our soldiers with no back plans or abilities to operate.

Reliance on technology is extremely dangerous especially when people forget how to do things the way we did ten, twenty, fifty or even one hundred years ago. While technology is wonderful not being taught how to do things should technology fail us is way too dangerous. 

It is critical that we continue to teach our troops both the old school methods as well  as with using high tech approaches by doing so then and only after  both methodologies have been mastered can we consider our forces truly well trained.

In addition we a nation can not continue to afford Two Billion dollar a piece bombers and Mutibillion dollar a piece ships when the majority of the world posess affordable missiles and torpedoes that when used on less expensive platforms in numbers are capable of destroying our ships and planes.

I can not help but think that history has a way of repeating itself and that our military finds itself taking the same dangerous mentality as our former enemy Germany did during WWII having few numbers of quantity by focusing solely on quality and not taking hedence on Stalin's philosophy that quantity has a quality all its own. 

I ask how badly would our abilities to carry out our policies be effected if we were to lose a single carrier, B2B or Ohio class submarine? I remind you that during the Reagan administration we had a six hundred ship navy comprised of ships of all different classifications to include patrol craft, corvettes, fast frigatets, fast attack and Ohio class submarines, destroyers, cruisers, four Iowa class battleships armed to the teeth and fully modernized, and both nuclear and conventionally powered  carriers.

Respectfully our navy has traded in 70 guided missile fast frigates, tens of patrol craft and frigates as well as our battleships for 10 carriers, 58 subs, less than a hundred cruisers and destroyers leaving us a fleet of less that 250 vessels with the average cost per ship exceeding $2.0 Billion.  Even our attempt to build "cost effective" littoral vessels fiascally ended with again a multi billion dollar a piece vessel instead of a cost effective vessel.

I ask what is the purpose of continuing to build next generation "Nimitiz" class carriers capable of carrying 90 aircraft when only 45 planes will be deployed?  Would we not be better off having smaller nuclear carriers like France's DeGaulle class  which is nuclear and capable of carrying sixy aircraft at a cost of literally one fifteenth cost of a new Ford class carrier?  Would we not be better off in the event of having to deploy to more than one hot spot while protecting or nation's shore at the same time having thirty carriers for the price of two? What would happen if we were to lose one of our carriers I ask let alone one of our thirty B2s? With the advent of stealth technology would we not be better off having thirty or forty small nuclear carriers carrying hundreds of some variant of the F22 or F35 with a battle group of dozens of small specialized ships able to perform specific duties rather than ten carriers protected by five to ten ships each so expensive that if lost would represent an inability to project fire power and policy? I remind you all that we won WWII not by having the best equipment money could buy but by having superior quantities of equipment.  In the end if we were to face a long protracted global war our reliance of technology and our loss of manufacturing would put us back to a situation we faced on 8 December 1941!


Many people have been posting stories stating that unemployment is down and that there seems to be improvement in the economy.  Further some geniuses the U.S. has reported a rise in wages trying to convince you that things are getting better so is it? How can this be?

Here is the ugly truth....

Unemployment is a fictional number is is calculated by counting the number of people who are drawing unemployment benefits from the state they reside. Once your unemployment benefits run out guess what? YOU ARE NO LONGER COUNTED AS BEING UNEMPLOYED!!!!!! HOW STUPID IS THIS??? Facts will show that unemployment if calculated by adding those collecting benefits plus those out of work and no longer eligible for benefits would put the numbers up horrifically something that politicians don't want you to know! The real number is staggering and truly scary!

Facts on Salaries/Wages being up: Well the simple reason wages or salaries seems to have risen is simple there are less people working lower paying jobs that have been shipped off shore so when the number of people working has decreased divided by the salaries range the statistical fact is that the average salary number will increase rules of simple math.

 The Root of the Problem:

 The facts are that we will not be able to fix our economy until we bring back jobs in this country and this means real lower and middle class jobs which bring back MANUFACTURING.

 Until you bring back the Made in the USA label we will be stuck as an economy with fewer jobs and greater numbers of people competing for them. Take a long look around you what do you see is missing compared to ten, twenty, forty, or sixty years ago?  Have you noticed?

Gone are the Knitting and Steel Mills that clothed us and produced the steel to build our nation. Gone are the Ship Yards, Tire Factories, Shoe Mills, Metal Shop, and Furniture Mills. Gone are the factories that produced our light bulbs and electronics! Gone are the manufacturing plants that built components for the automobile industry, medical and electronic devices manufacturers, gone are the sewing mills and rail road depots. These were once the major employers of the lower and middle class that was and still should be what makes America!

Every cargo container unloaded in our ports hurts our economy especially when these ships sail off empty with nothing to export!  But how can we export when there are no factories to manufacture goods to trade?

Worse is that our politicians can create jobs tomorrow if they did nothing more than to see how badly our infrastructure is in need of desperate need of repair and fund these critically needed repairs.

 As a Nation we need to rebuild our dilapidated infrastructure rebuilding our outdated levees, damns and deteriorating highways and roads. We need to rebuild our telecommunications and power grid networks, as well as replace our aging bridges and tunnel. The jobs especially when done using U.S. made materials will provide jobs for the next twenty to fifty years and will in turn rebuild our economy.
Lastly, we need to start filling every cargo ship that leaves our ports with better made, affordable exports while at the same decreasing our consumption of imports. If we use this common sense approach to understanding economics and the economy the faster we can once again be the greatest nation in the world again!

What To Do:

 The time has come to stop complaining about nothing getting done and start calling your senators and congressman and demand that the put and end to bipartisanship and start acting as Americans united to address a national crisis! What are you waiting for...Go yell at someone to do their job and put Americans back to work!


Wednesday, January 16, 2013


Ladies and gentlemen lets face facts.

The recent horrific events of Newtown have legislators looking to take away guns from law abiding citizens to "prevent another Newtown".

I respectfully remind all Americans that gun control only keeps guns out of the hands of law abiding citizens and that the truth is that criminal in the past, present and future will always find a way to gain access to firearms!!!

Gun control is not the answer nor is it the ISSUE!! The real issue most people fail to even come to their senses to recognize nor address so what is the issue/problem?

The ISSUE is providing people who need access to mental health professionals the proper medical attention they desperately need!  The need to overcome the stigma of mental illness and mental defect!

The truest tragedy of what happened in Newtown is that the mother of the shooter failed to provide her son the medical attention he so desperately needed and deserved. The tragedy is that she chose to deny the problem and that had her son been treated or perhaps even committed to psychiatric facility this horrific situation would never have occurred.

This overwhelming fact of the matter as it is related to this horrific tragedy being wrongfully blamed on gun ownership and not focused as again I reiterate on the stigma of mental disease or mental defect and providing access to proper treatment to those who are in need of treatment!!!!!!

In this country we constantly praise our physicians for treating our diseases and ailments and openly discuss our medical problems with our loved ones, family, and friends. We often recommend doctors to one another openly but all this changes when it is related to mental illness..!  We as a society need to stop burying our heads in the sand and when we see our loved ones need help rise above social perceptions, and stigmas  and get our loved ones the help the need and deserve.
We need to lobby our legislators to ensure that medical insurance covers mental illness and that long term care is covered!

Again I wish to remind everyone that the tragedy of Newtown could have been prevented had the gunman's mother sought the mental help her son so desperately needed. No amount of gun law legislation can ever protect our children, teachers or society for that matter if people who are of danger to themselves and the public are not provided the proper medical attention they so desperately need especially when their care givers, family and friends are in denial that their loved ones need help! This is the true tragedy!




Wednesday, January 9, 2013


Friends, family we are gathered here today to pay our last respects to our long lost dearly departed country once known as the United States of America OR America.



On 16 June 1858, Abraham Lincoln in his speech stated, “That a house divided against itself can not stand”. Despite those words being immortalized more than 154 years ago, despite a civil war, a great dust bowl, a Great Depression, two world wars, and numerous threats, conflicts and acts of violence against her, our nation has succumbed shamefully to Bipartisanship.

What every bullet, rocket, bomb or seditious act our departed faced she managed as a nation to rise to the challenge and overcome her enemies both foreign and domestic. How ironic that the dearly departed should pass by the hand of her own citizens and the very same politicians Lincoln had warned her country men about that day in 1858; politicians who pretended to represent them in what was once her Capital Washington D.C.

How A nation conceived in Liberty, a nation that was once of the people, by the people, for the people allowed this virus to kill her in the very hallowed halls known as the U.S. Senate and House of Representative?

Gone forever are the amber waves of grain and fruited plains replaced with empty fields made barren due to stupid wasteful, foolish tax payer payouts to farmers to deliberately not grow the very crops God blessed her soil to sustain us, replaced with orange juice grown in Brazil, broccoli grown in Mexico, and apples, grapes and other produce from Chile, Argentina and other nations who once envied us or worse relied on us to feed them with the exportation of our abundance.

Gone forever is the Pilgrim’s Pride and That Great Arsenal of Democracy and her mighty manufacturing capabilities that numerous times saved her from herself, and her enemies abroad; now lay wasted as urban sprawl, her once prideful workers unemployed.
Gone forever is that sleeping giant's mightiest of all nations combined manufacturing capabilities that Admiral Yamamoto realized had only awakened and filled with a great resolve hours after his successful attack on Pearl Harbor. Gone forever the, “Made in the USA”, label replaced with hap hazard legislation such as NAFTA, little or no importation tariffs and the common sense, that have allowed our once mighty arsenal of democracy to fall silent. 

Gone forever are the steel and rubber mills, shipyards and automobile factories and the sounds of whistles blowing the announcement of each change of shift now fallen silent; made ever so humbled daily with each off loading of cargo ship to our shores. How ironic that these very same factories we once bombed, destroyed, and rebuilt with her citizens taxes; has managed to destroy us far more easily with each cargo container of cheaply manufactured goods with greater efficacy than any nuclear weapon ever could!

As we pay our last respects to the departed, a land once of hope, a land where so many millions served to protect and paid for with their lives to defend, we leave a land destroyed internally by that very deadly virus Bipartisanship.

 While her citizens could have once again risen to renew America economically through the simple administering of such medications as rebuilding her infrastructure, restoring of manufacturing jobs and agricultural products grown in her soils, through the closing of our ports to imports and the rebuilding of merchant ships flooding the harbors of the world with our exports, and through the development of cheap affordable and renewable energy sources needed to power her factories and homes!

The evils of the labels Democrat and Republican have killed America forever. America, her death so easily avoided and curable had her citizens administered that life saving medication of renewed American Spirit. America we cry as she lays waste, a House divided against itself despite warnings from the past!

America, that once mightiest and envied nation; her once proud citizens will soon answer to a foreign task master who has only half the might America once had! 

 America enemies made stronger through the lessons of unity and their national spirit. America a senseless death caused by a virus that separated a nation.. BIPARTISANSHIP