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Tuesday, December 28, 2010

The Audacity & Nerve For Change Let Alone Hope

I like tens of millions of Americans have been blessed with being laid off twice in the past two years.  Like millions of others I spend hour after hour trying to find a job in a country where there are none. Every day I get up  and have the privilege to listen to my elected leaders tell us what they know is good for us when what is good for us, is not what is good for them.  Correct me if I am wrong and call me crazy for perhaps believing what our founding fathers wrote and envisioned for us as a nation.. but should there be two sets of rules and two sets of standards when supposedly Thomas Jefferson penned, "That all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

So I respectfully ask all you are to think about of the following.. Why is it that you and I work all our lives to hopefully reach the age of sixty five or older to retire. That hopefully we have put enough money away to be able to pay our bills and survive while retired yet a congressman, senator or president can work one term be it 2 years, 4 years or six and be entitled to a life time salary/pension?  Why is it that our elected leaders are exempt from having to pay back student loans, have life time pensions, get to vote themselves a raise and in the end have the nerve to live a standard of life that is miles apart from the very people who elected them to serve and represent.

The Nerve for Hope in the country is gone erased forever if things go unchanged. How can one hope to find a job when our elected leaders in their infinite wisdom have voted to allow all our jobs manufacturing and service jobs to be shipped overseas. What hope can I have for myself or my son to know when I get into my car made from parts built overseas from foreign steel driven on overseas manufactured tires using imported fuel can I hope my life will get better.

What hope can I have to know that if I have a problem with my credit card, bank statement, computer, health insurance or problem with lost luggage that I will be talking to someone ten thousand miles away in India, the Philippines or any where else but the U.S.A. that they are sorry for my difficulties and yet waste my time listening to their outsourced scripts all in all being polite but never accomplishing or resolving anything.  This is the country I  live in and pledge my life to honor and defend?

The time for change has never been at a more decisive moment. It is time to demand term limits for politicians, to eliminate life time pensions for short term service and one set of rule for the public and a separate set for our elected representatives!!!  It is time to boycott credit cards, airlines, insurance companies, computer tech support lines etc. and demand that these jobs and these companies start to bring back customer service, produce a higher standard of quality product and support it with people who live, eat and breathe the air here in the U.S. once in for all!

We are at the highest level of unemployment since the depression. We need to stop passing legislation to allow jobs to be farmed out over seas and start passing legislation which punishes overseas outsourcing while passing tax credits and stimuli for companies to manufacture and provide support jobs here in the good old USA. 

 The time has come to have a heart to heart with the unions and decide what is an honest wage verses losing competitiveness and allowing the job to go abroad. Only we as American can facilitate change by taking a unified and defiant stance! Together we shall boycott importation and demand a locally made product or service as a solution. 

 I ask why when I pick up a bottle of apple juice, or bag of vegetables does it say the contents come from China, Argentina, Brazil, or Chile? Do we not grow apples and produce in this country. Is the solution to our border problem to stop producing food and have it imported?  How can I have hope for the future with such stupidity? 

Obama promised change and has delivered! Things have gone from bad to worse! Our elected officials have created even greater levels of Bipartisan stupidity and our nation is on the verge of collapse.  Together I ask let's create a new party that is neither Democrat or Republican. Let's call it the American Party where every member represents what is right for the people and is representative of the people. Let's create a new party which will demand term limits, stop outsourcing. Let's start a party that will bring back pride in America by rebuilding our nation's infrastructure, eliminating imports on everything from cars, food, clothing, and fuel and bring back something that has not been seen since the 60's  labels stamped in big letters, Made in the USA with Pride and Quality"!

Together formulating such a party puts American politicians and the world on notice,  our citizens are angry and fed up and are taking back our nation with the election of a new party of politicians that are truly representative of our country.  Without such an effort why have the nerve for hope?

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