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Sunday, December 14, 2014

The Simple Fact About the Michael Brown Shooting

Over the last six month this country has become even more divided not just between Democrats and Republican but now between Black and Whites.

Facts are that the average educated black person recognizes the facts pertaining to the death of Michael Brow:

Facts will show that Mr. Brown was engaged in robbing a store and then fled the scene.

The Robbery was reported and the police were on the look out for the suspect...Michael Brown!

Mr. Brown was pursued and in the process of being apprehended ignored police instructions.

Mr. Brown assaulted and tried to take away the officer's weapon,

Mr. Brown was killed during that process of being arrested.

Why any one would fail to recognize the recognize that Mr. Brown was killed not because he was black but because he tried to kill a police officer is disturbing.

The bottom line is that the officer in question did not wake up that morning and decide to kill a black kid.  But Michael Brown did wake up and decide to go and rob a store!

As a result of Brown's criminal actions he ended up getting killed.  I can't see anyone's outrage.. Mr. Brown victimized his own neighborhood and neighbors.  Brown was not a doctor or a teacher he was a thug who pushed his limits and got killed in the process! 

This is not an issue of black or white!!! It is an issue of a thug committing a crime who got killed after he tried to kill an officer trying to arrest him.  End of story.  No rioting is necessary,  nor a need of further division of black and white an issue!  In fact the matter can be simplified....Don't do the crime and evade being arrested in a manner whereby you threaten the life of an officer.. If you don't resist or endanger they life of others the police won't have to shoot you.

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