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Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Well folks three plus years ago our present administration ran on a promise of change and has deliver... Things have definitely gone from bad to worse!

The sure fix to America's problems will never be obtained because all elected officials insist on making things far more complicated than necessary. I will give you some examples..

1. Our nation's tax codes literally are written to encourage those with the most taxable income to avoid paying taxes due to the loopholes. If I were elected to office I could fix our tax laws literally throwing away the present code in it multi-thousand plus pages to something which could fit on one sheet of paper.. the following:

1. National sales tax of 1.75% to 2%

2. Luxury tax of 3.5% to 5% on purchases over $50K does not include first time purchase of homes!

3. National flat income tax of 10% for all persons working in the U.S. who hold a valid Social

Security Number.

4. Corporate flat income tax of 15%.

5. Failure for persons or corporations to pay taxes results in forfeiture of assets!

There I think that is less than one page of paper is it not?

Now if we have people and corporations paying taxes theoretically we should be able to reduce or deficit but let's continue...

Trade/Commerce/ Jobs

Look around us what do you see... massive unemployment figures.. Well.. why? Because like idiots we encouraged unfair trade agreements to be enacted which encouraged corporations to layoff millions of people and send those jobs overseas! Solution.. as follows:

1. Implement a tariff of 100% to 200% or greater on all items that used to be manufactured here in the U.S. but instead were shipped overseas. Fact while the labor maybe cheaper if the pricing is no longer competitive or cost effective guess what...? You'll start manufacturing those items here in the U.S. again!

2. Reduce corporate tax of 15% to 10% for all companies for the first 15 year to reopen manufacturing operations here in the U.S. as well as to any company which reverses their operations from overseas to back here to the U.S.

3. No longer offer any tax incentive to farming jobs overseas and when companies do so on top of imposing heavy tariffs impose flat corporate tax of 20% with no allowance for deductions on costs of good manufactured or services provided derived from overseas operations!

Wow Marc.. You have simplified the tax laws and have reversed U.S. policies on farming out American jobs to overseas. Tell me what else could you accomplish...!

Well.. How about reducing our dependence on the importation of foreign oil and becoming a nation completely independent of any other nation for its energy needs by :

1. Implementing national policy for expansion in the use of Wind, Solar, Nuclear, Kinetic Energy, Hydro-electric, Coal, Hydrogen and Synthetic fuels and other renewable forms of clean affordable energy.

By eliminating our dependence on foreign energy we can develop literally millions of new jobs necessary in these new areas of exploration and development as well as sales and marketing. Eventually if independent of any foreign dependency our foreign policy can change thus allowing us to modernize our military and become an exporter of these energy alternatives while creating 7 to 10 million new jobs!

2. Impose that all U.S. cars get an average EPA MPG rating or 110 mpg yes 110mpg or better while keeping cars competitively priced with foreign doing so guess what folks you bring back the steel industry, the tire industry, and the components industry as well as revitalized our nation's auto industry. Oh... did I mention that when your manufacturing cars that are a well made as the competition, have better warranties and get more than 110mpg what happens.. If my economics professor was correct you create demand and exporting which is good for America!

Here's a thought, if America did nothing else but rebuilt our national infrastructure from coast to coast to include all roads, tunnels, bridges, power grids, water works, levees etc we could have full employment imagine 11 million new jobs!

What else could you do?  Hmmm.  Do I dare? Why not!  Let's simplify health care once and for all and throw away this two thousand page disaster we call Obama Care with a little common sense piece of legislation doing the following.. Get this less than three pages!

1. Provide all physicians the choice of either practicing in private or working in the public sector. What?

Yes allow those finishing medical school to choose between private practice and public practice. In exchange for ten to fifteen years of public service all physicians newly out of medical school could have their student loans forgiven as well as practice for ten to fifteen years without the expense of malpractice insurance. At the end of their period of service these physicians would be asked if they wish to remain in public practice or enter private practice.. Those who remained would earn SES equivalent salaries while having no overhead, medical malpractice insurance or student loan expenses...expenses that are all built into the cost of physicians providing services in private practice.

Finally you could eliminate huge medical malpractice bills by requiring that doctors voluntarily report their finding of Morbidity and Mortality reviews thus removing incompetent physicians from being able to commit further malpractice! By doing so you have just lowered the prices of doing business in the private sector because malpractice rates will go down by eliminating those who commit malpractice from ever being allowed to touch patients again!

Okay one more biggy and an important one if not the most important one of all!

Impose mandates for term limitations for all Congressmen and Senators!  House of Representatives no more than five consecutive terms serving in the House that's (10 years) straight!  No more than two terms back to back for U.S. Senate (12 years)! All politicians pay into Social Security, no lifetime pensions, all medical and other benefits must be the same for all other U.S. citizens! No more inequality! The day of the lifetime politician is over once and for all! New blood.. New Thinking!

Wow.. Marc...very cool! In less than a ten minute read you have fixed our tax structure, eliminated our exporting of jobs, have created potentially 20 million new jobs and have provided everyone with real health care reformand have made me feel like I should vote again! You should run for office! Well its not magic...Its just common sense made simple! Don't tell your Senator or Congressman...they'll tell you anything that simple could never work!


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