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Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Well folks three plus years ago our present administration ran on a promise of change and has deliver... Things have definitely gone from bad to worse!

The sure fix to America's problems will never be obtained because all elected officials insist on making things far more complicated than necessary. I will give you some examples..

1. Our nation's tax codes literally are written to encourage those with the most taxable income to avoid paying taxes due to the loopholes. If I were elected to office I could fix our tax laws literally throwing away the present code in it multi-thousand plus pages to something which could fit on one sheet of paper.. the following:

1. National sales tax of 1.75% to 2%

2. Luxury tax of 3.5% to 5% on purchases over $50K does not include first time purchase of homes!

3. National flat income tax of 10% for all persons working in the U.S. who hold a valid Social

Security Number.

4. Corporate flat income tax of 15%.

5. Failure for persons or corporations to pay taxes results in forfeiture of assets!

There I think that is less than one page of paper is it not?

Now if we have people and corporations paying taxes theoretically we should be able to reduce or deficit but let's continue...

Trade/Commerce/ Jobs

Look around us what do you see... massive unemployment figures.. Well.. why? Because like idiots we encouraged unfair trade agreements to be enacted which encouraged corporations to layoff millions of people and send those jobs overseas! Solution.. as follows:

1. Implement a tariff of 100% to 200% or greater on all items that used to be manufactured here in the U.S. but instead were shipped overseas. Fact while the labor maybe cheaper if the pricing is no longer competitive or cost effective guess what...? You'll start manufacturing those items here in the U.S. again!

2. Reduce corporate tax of 15% to 10% for all companies for the first 15 year to reopen manufacturing operations here in the U.S. as well as to any company which reverses their operations from overseas to back here to the U.S.

3. No longer offer any tax incentive to farming jobs overseas and when companies do so on top of imposing heavy tariffs impose flat corporate tax of 20% with no allowance for deductions on costs of good manufactured or services provided derived from overseas operations!

Wow Marc.. You have simplified the tax laws and have reversed U.S. policies on farming out American jobs to overseas. Tell me what else could you accomplish...!

Well.. How about reducing our dependence on the importation of foreign oil and becoming a nation completely independent of any other nation for its energy needs by :

1. Implementing national policy for expansion in the use of Wind, Solar, Nuclear, Kinetic Energy, Hydro-electric, Coal, Hydrogen and Synthetic fuels and other renewable forms of clean affordable energy.

By eliminating our dependence on foreign energy we can develop literally millions of new jobs necessary in these new areas of exploration and development as well as sales and marketing. Eventually if independent of any foreign dependency our foreign policy can change thus allowing us to modernize our military and become an exporter of these energy alternatives while creating 7 to 10 million new jobs!

2. Impose that all U.S. cars get an average EPA MPG rating or 110 mpg yes 110mpg or better while keeping cars competitively priced with foreign doing so guess what folks you bring back the steel industry, the tire industry, and the components industry as well as revitalized our nation's auto industry. Oh... did I mention that when your manufacturing cars that are a well made as the competition, have better warranties and get more than 110mpg what happens.. If my economics professor was correct you create demand and exporting which is good for America!

Here's a thought, if America did nothing else but rebuilt our national infrastructure from coast to coast to include all roads, tunnels, bridges, power grids, water works, levees etc we could have full employment imagine 11 million new jobs!

What else could you do?  Hmmm.  Do I dare? Why not!  Let's simplify health care once and for all and throw away this two thousand page disaster we call Obama Care with a little common sense piece of legislation doing the following.. Get this less than three pages!

1. Provide all physicians the choice of either practicing in private or working in the public sector. What?

Yes allow those finishing medical school to choose between private practice and public practice. In exchange for ten to fifteen years of public service all physicians newly out of medical school could have their student loans forgiven as well as practice for ten to fifteen years without the expense of malpractice insurance. At the end of their period of service these physicians would be asked if they wish to remain in public practice or enter private practice.. Those who remained would earn SES equivalent salaries while having no overhead, medical malpractice insurance or student loan expenses...expenses that are all built into the cost of physicians providing services in private practice.

Finally you could eliminate huge medical malpractice bills by requiring that doctors voluntarily report their finding of Morbidity and Mortality reviews thus removing incompetent physicians from being able to commit further malpractice! By doing so you have just lowered the prices of doing business in the private sector because malpractice rates will go down by eliminating those who commit malpractice from ever being allowed to touch patients again!

Okay one more biggy and an important one if not the most important one of all!

Impose mandates for term limitations for all Congressmen and Senators!  House of Representatives no more than five consecutive terms serving in the House that's (10 years) straight!  No more than two terms back to back for U.S. Senate (12 years)! All politicians pay into Social Security, no lifetime pensions, all medical and other benefits must be the same for all other U.S. citizens! No more inequality! The day of the lifetime politician is over once and for all! New blood.. New Thinking!

Wow.. Marc...very cool! In less than a ten minute read you have fixed our tax structure, eliminated our exporting of jobs, have created potentially 20 million new jobs and have provided everyone with real health care reformand have made me feel like I should vote again! You should run for office! Well its not magic...Its just common sense made simple! Don't tell your Senator or Congressman...they'll tell you anything that simple could never work!


Monday, August 22, 2011


Those of you know me, know that I love this country and would give my life to defend this nation. With that said we have certainly gone from a country respected and feared around the world to country on the verge of being a third world country.

The fact is that Obama did promise our country and has unequivocally delivered his promise with things going from bad to worse! Come election time he truly can tell all of
America he has delivered on his promise.

This country and its elected officials need to take a step back and take a hard long look and see what is wrong and why we are failing miserably as a nation. Truth be told fixing
America is easy and if I were president I could guarantee that I could fix our country and the economy in twelve weeks with the cooperation of congress.

Starting with Taxes:

1. Eliminate current tax laws in their entirety and implement a flat national sales tax of 1.75% on essentials, and 3 to 5% for luxury items.
2. All citizens pay a flat 10% annual income tax.
3. All corporations pay a flat 15% income tax.
4. Corporations of citizens failing to pay taxes have assets seized and sold to the highest bidder no excuses.

Creating Jobs:

1. That as a Nation we for once eliminate our dependence on the importation of foreign oil and implement an all green national policy which would over four years make the United States the first economic super power to total become reliant on alternative fuel sources such as synthetic fuels, agri-fuels, wind, solar, harvesting the kinetic energy of the ocean's currents etc. This initiative alone would generate 11.5 million new jobs in the first two year and more than 20 million over the next ten years.

2. As a Nation we will under go a transformation that this country has not seen the likes of since post WWII. Every road, bridge, tunnel, power grid, damn and other forms of infrastructure will be rebuilt or replaced completely. This would generate another 15 million jobs over the next two years.

3. From this day forth any and all companies who import products that were once produced by Americans will be taxes with a 100% import tariff

4. All monies provided in bail out will be returned with interest and be spent to rebuild our nation's infrastructure!

5. Corporations that increase their labor force by bringing back jobs outsourced overseas receive a 5% reduction in taxes for every year that these jobs remain in America!
6. We start becoming a nation of exporters by offering tax credits for rebuilding factories and manufacturing capabilities. If we do not make it then we do not need it! Restore the look for the made in America label!

7. Rebuild our nation's public schools so that we are no longer dumbing our kids to the lowest member of the class with Leave no child behind but rather increase grants for science, math, music. Ensure that every child upon leaving each grade must meet an academic level of achievement that once again brings our kids to number for knowledge academic achievement and intellect.

8. Provide education and training for those who are not academically inclined through more trade schools and paid on the job internships and training for such skills and electricians, plumbers, builders, landscapers, steel workers, wood worker etc.

9. Mandate that all U.S. Auto manufacturers build cars that are built better than their foreign competitors, get a minimum of 100 miles to the gallon, are competitively priced and have a 100,000 mile bumper to bumper warranty.

10 Lastly, no more foreign aid! For too long we have aided any one and every one regardless of being friend or foe! These funds were provided by working American paying their taxes. That money must and will remain in the country to help rebuild our nation and our economy!

Restoring faith in the American Stock Market

1. For too long the likes of the big four accounting firms have silently destroyed our nation by performing corporate "semi annual and annual reports". These virtually useless pieces of fiction are just that fiction. Any document that needs a clarifier by stating "based on the information furnished we report the following..." that's crap!

The independent audit is a myth since it is paid for by the client it is neither independent nor accurate as such the role of performing independent audits would be the that of the united States Department of Commerce with audits performed in the same uninfluenced, independent factual manner as done by the Defense Contract Audit Agency. Fees will be charged according to real verified earning and will be collected upon the start of the audit. There will be no influence or misstating of facts. All findings will be fully disclosed. This for once and for all allow all investors that the information being provided is accurate, factual and reliable.

2. Inside traders will serve mandatory sentences with all assets seized.

I am willing to bet my life anyone taking the above steps would certainly rebuild our nation to number
ONE again!

Sunday, July 31, 2011


Ladies and Gentlemen,

I beg of you all do not be fooled by the media and the government when they tell you that the economy is improving and that the jobless rate is on the decline.

Fact the government states that the jobless rate has declined because the number of people who were eligible and collecting unemployment benefits has decreased as a result of these people's benefits expiring.  The fact of the matter is that states as well as the federal government have never taken the approach of tracking people who's benefits have expired to determine whether they have in fact found employment or not.

As a result of failing to track these people the only way the state and the federal government can determine the unemployment rate is by counting those who are presently collect unemployment benefits.

Fact be told there are literally hundreds of thousands of Americans who's benefits have expired over a year or so ago and they are no closer to finding gainful employment than you are I are going to travel to the moon tomorrow!

The cold reality is that the media fails to understand how unemployment  figures are calculated and as a result both the media and the uninformed public have a false perception that things are getting better when in reality this is not the case and in fact things are getting worse.

Imagine you lose your job but at  least you can attempt to pay some of the bills on the small amount of benefits you are entitled to collect.  Now all of the sudden those benefits expire and you are left with nothing! See the reality is things have really gone from bad to worse!

Bottom line is challenge your media sources as well as elected officials. Demand to know just how bad things are before you vote again for someone who is claiming to do a good job reducing unemployment! The cold hard facts are that both the democrats and republics state that they are fixing the economy and they are responsible for unemployment rates decreasing.  Your response at the polls should send them a message by replacing them all with people who tell you the truth and represent the American public!

Sunday, June 5, 2011


Last night I was watching television when a commercial came on talking about windshield wipers working while a car was driving at 190mph.. boast Cadillac the fastest production car in America.

My retort... Cadillac the stupidest company in the world! In a country with almost 22% unemployment and gas prices around $4.25 a gallon the last thing this country needs is the stupidity of GM producing more crappy cars no one wants to buy! Fact is GM leadership just does not get it.  If you want to fix the American Automobile Industry all you need to do is build a better vehicle which gets better gas mileage and has a better warranty than the foreign competition.  Building a car that can go a 190mph in a country where the national speed limit is 55 is just plain moronic!

The bail out of companies lead by idiots who know as much about running a company and marketing as they know about open heart surgery has got to stop!  Fact is that common sense, not money, could have saved GM.  Building a car that gets 100mpg, is built as well as a Mercedes or Lexus, has a better warranty and is the same price as a Honda would have put GM back into the lime light of being the biggest and baddest auto manufacturer in the world.

Again, these idiots just don't get it.. Who wants a car that can go a 190mph, gets 20mpg and has a warranty of 5/50K?  The answer is ... NO ONE!  This is why bailing out poorly managed companies with no vision or leadership is a waste of your tax money and mine!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Social Security the Great Ponzi Scheme

Senator calls seniors greediest generation

Senator Alan Simpson Calls Seniors 'Greediest Generation'.. 
This person  is ANGRY!!!!  Wish I were the one who sent this to the beloved Senator!!!! There isn't a word that is false and I am believing that many Americans are beginning to think along these same lines....... 
   From a man in Montana who - like the rest  of us - has just about had enough

   Hey Alan, 

   Let’s get a few things straight:

    1.      As a career politician, you have been on the public dole for FIFTY YEARS!

   2.      I have  been paying Social Security taxes for 48 YEARS (since I was 15 years old.  I am now 63)

   3.      My Social  Security payments, and those of millions of other Americans, were safely tucked away in an interest bearing account for decades until you political pukes decided to raid the account and give OUR money to a bunch of zero ambition losers in return for votes, thus bankrupting the system and turning Social Security into a Ponzi scheme that would have made Bernie Madoff proud

   4.      Recently, just like Lucy & Charlie Brown, you and your ilk pulled the proverbial football away from millions of American seniors nearing retirement and moved the goalposts for full retirement from age 65 to age 67. NOW, you and your shill commission is proposing to move the goalposts YET AGAIN!! 

   5.      I, and millions of other Americans, have been paying into Medicare from Day One, and now you morons propose to change the rules of the game. Why? Because you idiots mismanaged other parts of the economy to such an extent that you need to steal money from Medicare to pay the bills

   6.       I, and millions of other Americans, have been paying income taxes our entire lives, and now you propose to increase our taxes yet again. Why? Because you incompetent bastards spent our money so profligately that you just kept on spending even after you ran out of money. Now, you come to the American taxpayers and say you need more to pay YOUR debt!

   To add insult to injury, you label us greedy for calling bullshit on your incompetence. Well, Captain Bullshit, I have a few questions for YOU:

   1.       How much money have you earned from the American taxpayers during your pathetic 50-year political career?

   2.       At what age did you retire from your pathetic political career, and how much are you receiving in annual retirement  benefits from the American taxpayers?

   3.       How much do you pay for YOUR government provided health insurance?

   4.      What cuts in YOUR retirement and health care benefits are you proposing in your disgusting deficit reduction proposal, or, as usual, have you exempted yourself and your political cronies?

   It is you, Captain Bullshit, and your political co-conspirators who are greedy. It is you and they who have bankrupted America and stolen the American dream from millions of loyal, patriotic taxpayers. And for what? Votes. That’s right, sir. You and yours have  bankrupted America for the sole purpose of advancing your  pathetic political careers. You know it, we know it, and you know that we know it.

    Always say what you mean!!  always mean what you say!! 
Pass this along to our friends and  supporters!!!  


Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Over the past week since the horrible tragedy in Arizona more and more people again are blaming the Republican and the NRA for the violent acts of a MAD MAN.

Truth be told the state of Arizona had deemed Jared Loughner as mentally unstable and not fit to purchase  a firearm.  However records show that someone did not put this information in the state's data base and as a result the information was not available to prevent this tragedy.

The fact that this individual passed a "FBI and DHS" background check only proves that this individual did not have a criminal record!  Had the paper work that was done by Arizona been put into the system determining mental fitness the system would have worked! The person who failed to do their duties should be tracked down and tried for involuntary manslaughter and dereliction of duties.

Gun control is not the solution to the problems.  The solution is putting in place laws that impose harsher punishment and sentencing for those who commit crimes.  The American Justice system is over burdened and the system is breaking down! What we need to do is demand imposing the death penalty and public executions.  Stop allowing repeat offenders and once and for all stop making life in jail for some better than life on the streets!

We as a nation spend on average $28K per prisoner to be housed, fed and provided medical care.  I say it is time that we become more competitive as a nation and start utilizing these prisoners to perform work to support them making prisons self sufficient. Prisons need to provide training programs to teach things like agriculture, wood, metal, plumbing and electrical skills.  Food should be grown on the premises and inmate performs duties such as manufacturing good and services to pay their incarceration.

Those who have been found guilty of murder, kidnapping rape and violent offenses that are given life sentences and have been denied appeals should be put to the gallows! The death penalty and use of the death penalty is a tremendous deterrent!


Over the past week since the horrible tragedy in Arizona more and more people again are blaming the Republican and the NRA for the violent acts of a MAD MAN.

Truth be told the state of Arizona had deemed Jared Loughner as mentally unstable and not fit to purchase  a firearm.  However records show that someone did not put this information in the state's data base and as a result the information was not available to prevent this tragedy.

The fact that this individual passed a "FBI and DHS" background check only proves that this individual did not have a criminal record!  Had the paper work that was done by Arizona been put into the system determining mental fitness the system would have worked! The person who failed to do their duties should be tracked down and tried for involuntary manslaughter and dereliction of duties.

Gun control is not the solution to the problems.  The solution is putting in place laws that impose harsher punishment and sentencing for those who commit crimes.  The American Justice system is over burdened and the system is breaking down! What we need to do is demand imposing the death penalty and public executions.  Stop allowing repeat offenders and once and for all stop making life in jail for some better than life on the streets!

We as a nation spend on average $28K per prisoner to be housed, fed and provided medical care.  I say it is time that we become more competitive as a nation and start utilizing these prisoners to perform work to support them making prisons self sufficient. Prisons need to provide training programs to teach things like agriculture, wood, metal, plumbing and electrical skills.  Food should be grown on the premises and inmate performs duties such as manufacturing good and services to pay their incarceration.

Those who have been found guilty of murder, kidnapping rape and violent offenses that are given life sentences and have been denied appeals should be put to the gallows! The death penalty and use of the death penalty is a tremendous deterrent!


There is no question in any American's mind that we have hit an all time low.  As such we have turned to our lack luster leaders for hope, guidance and direction and have been ignored as they lack the intelligence to turn this mess around.  So what can we do as Americans to get things going. The following is a list of things we need to do as Americans to restore our great nation.

1. Vote and Stay Vocal! It is essential to vote out of office those who do not support their constituents, those who lack vision and those who are only serving their self serving interests!

2. Buy American! We used to be a nation of manufacturers.  Now a days it is almost impossible to find any thing made in America.  It is time to call, write companies demanding that they manufacture their goods here in the U.S.

3. Boycott Imports.. Supporting #2 It is high time we put American back to work we can do so by  boycotting  the purchasing of imported products and demand domestic good and services.

4. TAKE INITIATIVES TO GO GREEN..There are approximately 11 million jobs that can be created tomorrow if we as a nation took the approach of becoming independent of imported oil and went completely green.  Recycle, Recycle, Recycle! Look for alternative means to heat and cool your house such as wind, solar, increased insulation etc. If we as a nation were completely independent of oil and its importation using hydrogen cars or synthetic fuels for our cars and energy needs we would have increased our personal wealth and savings by ONE THOUSAND TIMES!

5. Demand a Higher Standard! Our schools, products, services etc are all mediocre. We have become a nation that has accepted very low standards, and inferior goods and services out of convenience and cheapness. It is time that we as a nation demand more from the companies we purchase goods/services from as well as demand better schooling of our nations children.

6. Help Increase Education! This country's public schools are on the decline.  Schools will tell you it is because of budget cuts.. I say that's crap. Children in the 1800 and 1900s were smarter than our kids today with access to less materials than we have at our finger tips today.  Schools don't teach they have become an environment of nurturing cattle.  We need to encourage creativity by bringing back teachers who are excited about teaching. We need to focus on math, science, geography and raise our standards. Our children need to be smarter, more resourceful and creative if we are to compete on a global economy!

7. Spend Quality Time with Your Kids and Family!. bring back family values and quality time spent as a family. Put away the Xbox and computer games and focus on increased awareness through quality time spent with your family by reading, do math and science quizzes go to museums, places that are educational.

8. Lastly and most importantly. MAKE EVERY EFFORT NOT TO GIVE UP! It is easy to say what difference can one person make and simply give up.  But if you make efforts to change and teach your children, family and work colleagues pretty soon they start doing the same and before you know it more and more people are on the same page.  This is how you effect change!

If we as a nation realize once and for all  that our elected leaders don't know what they are doing and we start to take control our selves the faster we can rebuild our nation once again!