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Tuesday, February 24, 2015


Each evening we turn on the television to the evening news to see more and more horrendous and despicable acts of violence committed in the name of Islam.  Many sit and wonder how this has come about and where did things go so wrong.. The answer is not palatable but it is simple. We are to blame..The United States, and our allies.

The facts are that for many years countries like Iraq, Syria,Libya,  Iran and even the Philippines were ruled by military dictatorships that ruled with share absolute brutality.  Their acts for years honestly did not bother us and in fact  many times we were aligned with these dictators if we needed a "friend" in the region.  The bottom line is we could not care what was going on there as long as their acts are committed against their own people and done so quietly out of sight of the media.  Once people like Sadaam Hussein, Qadaffi,  and others like them began to start threatening U.S. citizens or citizens of our Western allies did we decide to remove them from office.  The problem in doing so is that it is always better to face the enemy you do know verses the enemy you don't.

After removing people like Hussein and Qadaffi out of office we did not have an exit strategy nor did we know if the people taking over had the strength and support of their people to rule. Most of the those who have replaced these brutal dictators have been a joke and are swept from office the minute we leave their soil.  This has been how ISIS has risen to take power.  The sad fact is that if the killing and barbarity were solely committed on those of their fellow countrymen and done so because they opposed their regime we would not care as long as their was no hostilities against us or our allies.  What we have now is the worst possible situation numerous countries without centralized strong governments taken over and ruled not by people of their country but from all over with one commonality religion.  The fact is that people like Sadaam Hussein kept these people in line by showing zero tolerance.  Now you have people from all over the world whose only commonality is their blind violent devotion to Islam. With no centralized government, or military forces a small group of thugs and extremist is able to take over a country why because there is no internal military to put these people down.

We as a nation created the current political instability.  We will see more and more spreading of this movement anywhere there is no organized legitimate government and a military supporting that government.The fact is that democracy can not work in these countries when all they have ever known is a dictatorship. You don't see ISIS rise up in Jordan or Saudi Arabia because their monarchies will immediately and brutally destroy any opposition with share ruthless and brutal efficiency.  This is how they stay in power and this is how Qadaffi and Hussein stand in power until we toppled them.  Like I said sometimes the enemy we know and can control is far better than the enemy we don't.

Monday, January 12, 2015

The Shoe Bomber - Muslim
The Beltway Snipers - Muslims
The Fort Hood Shooter - Muslim
The underwear Bomber - Muslim
The U.S.S. Cole Bombers - Muslims
The Madrid Train Bombers - Muslims
The Terrorist Attacks in Rome Airport-Muslims
The Assassination of Anwar Sadat-Muslims
The Attempted Assassination of the Pope-Muslims
The Bali Nightclub Bombers - Muslims 
The killing of a Police Officer in France-Muslims
The Killing of Four Hostage in Paris Kosher Butcher Market -Muslims
The killing of half a dozen Jews in a New York Synagogue-Muslims
The daily murdering of innocent men, women and children in Israel since 1948-MUSLIMS
The London Subway Bombers - Muslims
The Moscow Theatre Siege - Muslims
The Boston Marathon Bombers - Muslims
The Pan-Am flight #93 Bombers - Muslims
The Air France Entebbe Hijackers - Muslims
The Iranian Embassy Takeover - Muslims 
The Beirut U.S. Embassy bombers - Muslims
The Libyan U.S. Embassy Attack - Musiims
The Buenos Aires Suicide Bombers - Muslims
The Israeli Olympic Team Attackers - Muslims
The Kenyan U.S, Embassy Bombers - Muslims
The Saudi, Khobar Towers Bombers - Muslims
The Beirut Marine Barracks bombers were Muslims
The Besian Russian School Attackers - Muslims
The first World Trade Center Bombers - Muslims
The Bombay & Mumbai India Attackers - Muslims
The Achille Lauro Cruise Ship Hijackers - Muslims
The September 11th 2001 Airline Hijackers - Muslims'
Sydney Siege - Muslim
Think of about this: 
Buddhists living with Hindus = No Problem
Hindus living with Christians = No Problem
Hindus living with Jews = No Problem
Christians living with Shintos = No Problem
Shintos living with Confucians = No Problem
Confucians living with Bahais = No Problem
Bahais living with Jews = No Problem
Jews living with Atheists = No Problem
Atheists living with Buddhists = No Problem
Buddhists living with Sikhs = No Problem
Sikhs living with Hindus = No Problem
Hindus living with Baha'is = No Problem
Baha'is living with Christians = No Problem
Christians living with Jews = No Problem
Jews living with Buddhists = No Problem
Buddhists living with Shintos = No Problem
Shintos living with Atheists = No Problem
Atheists living with Confucians = No Problem
Confucians living with Hindus = No Problem
Muslims living with Hindus = Problem
Muslims living with Buddhists = Problem
Muslims living with Christians = Problem
Muslims living with Jews = Problem
Muslims living with Sikhs = Problem
Muslims living with Bahais = Problem
Muslims living with Shintos = Problem
Muslims living with Atheists = Problem
They’re not happy in Gaza
They're not happy in Israel
They're not happy in the West Bank
They're not happy in Jordan
They're not happy in Egypt
They're not happy in Libya
They're not happy in Morocco
They're not happy in Iran
They're not happy in Iraq
They're not happy in Yemen
They're not happy in Afghanistan
They're not happy in Pakistan
They're not happy in Syria
They're not happy in Lebanon
They're not happy in Nigeria
They're not happy in Kenya
They're not happy in Sudan
They're not happy in Chechnya
They're not happy in Serbia 
They're not happy in Bosnia
*** So, where are they happy? ***
They're happy in Australia
They're happy in England
They're happy in Belgium
They're happy in France
They're happy in Italy
They're happy in Germany
They're happy in Sweden
They're happy in the USA & Canada
They're happy in Norway & India
They're happy in almost every country that is not Islamic! And who do they blame? Not Islam... Not their leadership... Not themselves... THEY BLAME THE COUNTRIES THEY ARE AT.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

As the last two years of the Obama Administration  come to an end we have to wonder who will be running for our nation's highest office?  If there is anything we have learned is that we as a nation can not continue to maintain the segregation we are seeing between Democrats and Republicans.  In fact, we must consider whether the two party system even works any more; or is bipartisanship no loner representing the people of this nation. Thus one must ask is the system broken, full of greed and childish behavior with its agenda of promoting their parties views.

Growing up in Boston I was privileged to work for both Kerry and Dukakis as well as Kennedy and then U.S. Representative Brian Donnelly. What I learned from living in what was traditionally a Democratic state and having the great Tip O'Neil from Massachusetts as the Speaker of the House was a that once you were elected to office you represented the people.  I was told that serving in public office was the highest privilege man could do for his fellow man and country.

I watched in the 80s where the staunchest of Democratic and  Republicans could work TOGETHER AS AMERICANS to promote the betterment of a nation.  So where have we gone so wrong?  When did this nation become one of Liberals verses Conservatives and worse people of color verses Caucasians?Where did things go so wrong?

Why are we accepting our elected officials to represent the party verses their constituents?  When did we decide that it was acceptable that our elected refuse to work together, that we allow the to vote themselves raises when they allow our troops to go without pay or the government shut down?  I mean seriously where did we go so wrong to allow our nation once one nation under God become a run down society operated by over paid self gratifying "children"?

We as a nation need to step up  and realize that as a country we can only exist as a unified nation.  We need our elected to serve the public and not their parties.  We need leadership to put our economy back on track and our once pursuit for being number a goal that is sought after.

Our nation is no longer the shining bastion of freedom, the streets of gold and the land of milk and honey.  We enact polices to pay farmers to not grow food while others go hungry, we allow private companies and organizations to care for our wounded veterans when government employees of the VA actively deny veterans access to benefits that we paid for in blood.  How does our educational system produce students who are so poorly prepared that we dumb down their education to ensure they are promoted? How do we allow our nation's infrastructure to fall in such disrepair that more than half our country's bridges, tunnels, levies, power grids and roads are in need of a $4 Trillion over haul.

The answer to how this has all happened is that we have accepted bad behavior and voting by party to become an accepted policy at the expense of the people and nation.  As we will shortly be seeing who will run and be nominated for President it is time that we wake up and refuse to have anyone represent the party and not the people.  We need to instill in our elected that the needs of a nation are not addressed by voting party lines but by representing the people who put them in office!

Monday, January 5, 2015

Segregation and The Media's Allowance

I am an American.  I do not consider myself a Democrat or Republican.. I am an American.  As such I can not fathom the state of our nation and the use of the the words racism every time there is an issue in the media.  The facts will show that we as a nation of Blacks, Whites, Asian, Hispanics,  of all different religions creeds, race and color elected a black as President not just once but twice!

So I guess if we are so racist how was this possible yet I as a Jew nor my son will ever live to see a fellow Jew elected to hold the very same office! I am truly irate that people like Oprah and Sharpton constantly stir the and fuel the cauldrons to create hate! Yes they actively create hate!

I have  many friends of color and not one of them has ever said ever issue was about race nor did they as educated and enlightened individuals ever say that such people as Sharpton or Winfrey speak on their behalf.  The fact is that if these people were constantly trying to get their names in the media by claiming they speak on behalf of all persons of color their significance and presence would dry up and go away.  Much like the Kardashians and other bad reality tv "so called celebrities"if you refuse to provide them any access to the media they will eventually go away!

I feel that we as a nation would be unified and united as Americans if we had people such as the President taking a more active role in stating we are one that allowing these idiots to constantly promote an agenda that divides and weakens us a nation.  I ask that all people of color and those who have control of the media to simply once and for all refuse to allow these people to promote their hatred spreading, nation dividing agenda and with a resounding  message 'YOU DON'T SPEAK ON MY BEHALF, NEVER HAVE, NEVER WILL JUST SHUT UP AND GO AWAY"!!!!


As an American I support the constitution and the right to freedom of religion.  What I don't support is anyone coming to this great nation and demanding that we give up the laws that have built this country for their laws of Sharia.

Islam is supposed to be one of great religions of the world and is the fastest growing religion in the 21st century either due to acceptance of its pillars or out of fear, which I don't know.

I am upset that I have a number of friends who are Muslim who do not agree with the radicalization of Islam yet are not comfortable enough to speak out demanding that organizations such as ISIS, Hamas, Hizballah, PLF and PIJ to name a few do speak on their behalf nor on the behalf of any true follower of the Koran.

I truly believe that not until the leaders of Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Egypt, etc. and respected Imans stand up and actively state openly that these people are terrorist and that their actions and beliefs are not that of all Muslims will there ever be a cessation of hostilities.  

Until you stand up for yourself and those around you and demand that these people stop saying they speak on your behalf there will always be a problem!


As we enter the fifth day of 2015 I ponder the fate of our nation.  When did we become a nation as divided as we were under Lincoln and who will be the next Lincoln, FDR or Reagan who will step up to the plate and rebuild and reunify us as a country?

I cringe when people such as "the Reverend "Al Sharpton, Oprah Winfrey, or Michelle Obama constantly create strife and unrest to promote their self importance to the media especially at the expense of the country and done so deliberately to segregate a nation unified enough to elect a black president not once.... but twice!

The fact is that there were no race issues for African Americans and would argue that another black person could be elected more easily than a Jew.  I as a male about to become 50 don't ever think I or more son will ever live to see a Jew elected to hold the office of President. Color is not an issue!

So with that said I worry when will the great division that is destroying us as country be addressed or will it take another 9/11 or Pearl Harbor to reunite us a one, not a country of black verses white or Democrats verses Republicans but as Americans!

Almost two hundred years ago Lincoln wrote "a house divided against itself cannot stand", and today is proof that we need the type of leadership to revitalize the American spirit and rebuild our economy, to stand as a beacon of light against global terrorism and tyranny .

It is time that we demand a candidate not be identified as black or white democrat or republican but rather qualified and American! It is only when we are threatened or push to our extinction as a nation do we arise from the ashes and united to show the world and our fellow country men just how capable we are as a nation.

Sunday, December 14, 2014


Recently the U.S. Marine Corps and the U.S. Navy have wasted a tremendous amount of money acquiring the F-35 and the America Class LHAs. The fact is the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter is one of the greatest failures ever produced by Lockheed Martin and quite frankly is an embarrassment to the company, our country and any and all of our allies who also were conned into purchasing this aircraft.  However, that's the subject for a whole other future blog. Building ships for the purposes of deploying the F-35 is just insane and the subject at hand!

The America Class LHA is a large amphibious ship that is used to deploy Marines to secure a beachhead and move inland. LHAs differ significantly from LHDs as they lack a well deck.  A well deck is used to conduct amphibious operations allowing the use of LCACs and other smaller assault craft/ vehicles to bring equipment and Marines ashore through lowering of the ship's stern and flooding the interior deck.

So image the newest LHAs not having a well deck. Instead, the Marines want to build eleven of these ships for purposes of.... ... Get this... deploying thirty or forty F-35s in a sea control posture or up to 42 helicopters  or 22 V22 Osprey to only be able to move troops inland by air.

If this isn't bad enough now you have ships that don't have well decks to land Marines ashore or the other necessary support equipment such as battle tanks, fighting vehicles or other support vehicles.  In essence,  the USMC wants to use these ships as small aircraft carriers to deploy these truly inferior/ useless F-35 fighter/attack jets.

My recommendation is that the future America Class ships should be discontinued.  Instead the blue prints from the Wasp calls should be modified by adding a full length hanger deck, a nine degree angled flight deck, three deck elevators, either two, three of four catapults, arresting gear and be potentially powered by two small nuclear reactors increasing tonnage to 48,000 and 54,000 tons while maintaining their well deck LHD capabilities would result in a successful hybrid ship.  Such a hybrid would provide the navy with a small, angled deck nuclear carrier that doubles as an LHD.

Such a ship would for the first time ever allow the United States to successfully provide both true aviation and amphibious capabilities to any region in a global crisis with a full Marine Expeditionary Unit, and a complete carrier air wing in support.

The ships would be able to carry two or three squadrons of F/A18 Super Hornets, four EA18s, two E2C Hawkeyes, two C2s, as well as the necessary mixed complement of helicopters such as CH-46, CH-53s, SH-60s and AH1 Sea Cobras and V22 Osprey; for a total complement of up to fifty to sixty aircraft. In addition, maintain LHD capabilities to accommodate 1800 fully equipped Marines, 20 MBTs and other support vehicles.

The reality is that the world has far more hot spots than ever before and we only have 10 Nimitz Class Carriers which were more than $5.5 Billion each.  The new Ford class carriers are almost $13B a piece Bottom line with only 10 nuclear carriers serving we do not have the luxury or money to God forbid lose any in a crisis.

 Most recently the navy used a Wasp Class LHD (has a well deck) and its twenty harriers to serve as a small carrier in a sea control posture in support of operations in Libya.  The reality is that if the situation got hot twenty harriers would not, I repeat twenty harriers would not have been enough aircraft to provide sufficient air power to obtain air superiority. 

In addition, Harriers do not have supersonic dog fighting capabilities nor are they able to carry the same heavy loads of ordnance as an F/A18 Super Hornet. 

However, having a CATOBAR (Catapult Assisted Take Off Barrier Assisted Recovery) small aircraft carrier would be able to deploy multi-mission aircraft cable of providing air superiority as well as the ability to launch and sustain strike missions. With control of the skies the marines would be able to launch amphibious forces inland to include 1,800 men,  eight M1A1 MBTs and supporting vehicles. 

 For  approximately $16 Billion the Marine Corps could have 11 brand new hybrid CATOBAR/LHDs with more than 550 aircraft operating on board to support their mission  while the navy would have their 10 carriers with a combined air wing of an additional 900 aircraft or more..

The cold hard reality is that in the 21st Century we have made some very bad decisions and even worse purchases that have hurt the safety of our nation and our allies.  Taking this approach is a very simple and cost effective methodology of bringing back the global presence of our Navy's and Marine Corps ability to project air power in a region at a moments notice and have a Marine Expeditionary Unit accompany the task force.