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Wednesday, May 15, 2013


Am I the only person who finds it alarmingly concerning that our wounded veterans are having to rely on private charitable organizations to supplement the car and support they need after returning home wounded?


These brave young men and women signed a contract with our nation to serve, protect and defend our nation against all enemies, both foreign and domestic. It is a shame that the true enemy they are facing is our own government.

Our nation has a moral, ethical and above all else legal obligation to ensure that these men, women, and their families, receive the medical and emotional support they are DESERVE AND ARE ENTITLED and not have to rely upon support from private charitable organizations! I ASK,  REALLY WITH ALL THE WASTEFUL GOVERNMENT SPENDING OF THIS ADMINISTRATION ARE WE THAT MORALLY BANKRUPT TO NOT TAKE CARE OF THESE VETERANS AND RELY ON CHARITY?

Charity I was taught begins at home and it is about time the charity stop with foreign aid when so many of our returning service men and women so desperately need our help! Let's right this wrong and demand better for our returning veterans! I ask all you to take five minutes and call your Senators and Congressmen and demand that these returning veterans be supported with the aid they need, deserve and entitled before our tax dollars aid some third world country or other senseless spending program!




Monday, May 6, 2013


With all our nation's trillion's wasted on senseless government spending I ask when is the government ever going to start asking what are they funding and is funding that funding effective in solving the intended issues?

Tom Ridge announced today that twelve years after 9/11, and in light of the recent tragic events in Boston, that our government and law enforcement have no clue where tens of thousands of foreigners are herein the United States under the pretense of student visas and visas. In addition, Ridge and Congressional members want to know why FBI and DHS ignored documents presented to FBI agents in our embassy in Russia about the Tsarnaev family including both brothers as well as the mother!

Does this sound familar, did we not learn our lesson from the ignored intel that remained uninvestigated prior to 9/11!!! Truly uncomforting and most concerning!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013


With the fall of the Iron Curtain and the "Evil Empire's demise" I can not help but wonder if the world is truly a safer?  Our late President Ronald Reagan so committed to the demise of the former Soviet Union perhaps may have miss read who truly are enemies were and are. We built our armed forces to show we were willing to go to toe to toe with the Russians opposing their ideology but again I wonder were they ever a threat.  The more I learn about the former Soviet Union the more I have learned that they like any other country had suffered horrible losses during WWII and wanted to insulate themselves from ever having to be invaded again and suffer such horrendous losses.

Before the fall of the Soviet Union only six nations had nuclear weapons, U.S., USSR, China, U.K. France and Israel.  The Soviets knew of the insatiability in the world and kept order by refusing further nuclear proliferation.  With the fall of the USSR we now have to worry about radical countries such as North Korea, Iran, Pakistan, India, and half a dozen other rogue nations daily trying to obtain nuclear weapons. 

I love this country and I do not think any one on the planet can challenge me on that fact, but as an educated American I have the right to question our leaders and policies if I do not agree with them and do so in a peaceful unchallenged method, i.e. speak freely without worry about being arrested or detained.  As an American I find myself questioning our foreign and domestic policies more and more.  I wonder what right if any do we have to tell any country that the way they treat their citizens is wrong and that they need to change or we will change their ways for them?  Is that sane?  Do we not have enough problems here at home that are unresolved that need immediate attention before fixing the world of their problems? 

I believe that any sovereign nation has the right to peacefully co-exist on this planet with the rest of the world's inhabitants as long as they are not invading or imposing their will on others.  I believe that what happens within your borders is a matter of that nation's citizens and not that of the world and certainly not the United States.  I believe that we should help our allies protect themselves when necessary but I do not believe that our nation should sacrifice our youth for the promotion of our beliefs to be forced upon others.

In the end we have repeatedly been kicked in the groin by nations calling us their friends while our perceived enemies have never invaded our country or committed an act of terrorism on our soil!  I remind everyone that 9/11 was not the Russians but Saudis, Afghans, the recent bombing of the Boston Marathon Chechen Muslim extremist all people who the Soviets had problems with that we defended only to be kicked in the groin by the very people we helped, is that good foreign policy?

Too many of our brave young men and women have given so much to help these people on to be repaid as a nation with violence on our soil against the very citizens who helped these people! 

The time has come to focus on rebuilding our country, its infrastructure and restoring its once mega manufacturing capabilities, while providing jobs to so many out of work. We need to return our troops from foreign soils who will never or understand our beliefs so long as their religion dictates their laws and culture! We as a nation need to round up the scourge that has infiltrated our nation and send them home every last one regardless of color, creed, religion, race if they have no intention to become citizens and live through assimilation in accordance with local, state and federal laws! Until these issues are addressed we will continue to bankrupt us as a nation while our citizens are killed by those who have moved here with the intentions of committing evil.  The time is now to wake up and rebuild our nation to be the shining beacon we once were believed to be and not the laughing stock of the world soon to be bankrupt and over run from outsiders!