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Tuesday, April 30, 2013


It is more than two weeks since we as a nation sat in horror witnessing the latest attack on our beloved country. I cannot help but wonder how a nation conceived in liberty, its constitution allowing for freedom of religion, speech, press and assembly is being destroyed by terrorist who under the pretense of seeking "asylum" use these constitutional freedoms to enter this country!

As our political relations strengthen with our former "enemy" Russia we should accept their sharing of intelligence and warnings about people that they have welcomed to leave! We as a nation can no longer demand that the world treat its citizens the way we do and must accept their laws of governance for their citizens!  Only when their views and politics threaten our citizens and nation's safety should foreign policy change!

With that said the more we learn about the Tsarnaevs the more we need to take a hard look at who we have allowed to visit our shores and what are they up to? Laws need to be passed making colleges and universities report attendance of foreign nationals here on student visas, their failure to attend classes should mean an immediate expulsion and a free trip back to the airport to board a plane back to their homeland. Freedom of speech is for U.S. citizens not foreign nationals!

It is little surprise that the bombers were Muslim extremists. While Christians, Jews, Hindus teach their children how precious life is, to live in harmony with others and to support and defend their country and their right to live and practice in freedom. Muslims teach their children hatred and intolerance of all non believers, they encourage their children martyrdom and that killing non believers is the sure way to get to their warped version of heaven that there is no tolerance for any other religion or other forms of law or justice other than sharia law.

Based on these warnings and the fact that there are so many Arab countries where they could live and practice their religion and law freely one must ask why come here? The reality is that no other country allows for immigrants to come to their country and demand changes to existing laws, customs, regulations, and constitutional freedoms, yet the immigration of Muslims to this country has shown these resident aliens demanding and forcing their extremist religious views upon us! In Fairfax, VA they demand schools serve halal meals to all students, in other parts of the country states, counties, cities etc are demanding that governors, mayors and council members and courts should banish the constitution in favor of sharia Law!

I ask what the hell is wrong with us as a Nation? No where, and I mean no where else in the world would that behavior be tolerated. Our forefathers, and ancestors came to this country to get away from the old laws and ways they were forced to live in their homelands! They agreed to learn English, learn the laws of the U.S. and raise their right hand to be sworn in to be law abiding taxpaying U.S. citizens who agreed to protect our country and defend our constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic. Again, you do not see Jews demanding that all public schools serve kosher meals, Hindus vegan nor do you see Christians demand everyone worship Christ! So Again I ask why the hell are we letting these people into our country and allowing them to make us conform to their ways?

The time has come that under the laws of the Constitution you either agree to live by our laws and assimilate or pack up and go back home if they'll take you back. If you commit an act of terrorism as a U.S. citizen then you are tried for treason and get the expedited death sentence like Timothy McVeigh if you are a foreign national you are sent to Gitmo where the government will give you all the love and attention you demand while in the safe custody away from society. Immigration should be based on desire to live here in peace and accordance with our laws not the ones you felt so oppressive of that you fled your country from! I say let’s get out the ICE agent and FBI six months of overtime and a few dozen ships waiting in the various ports and we will once again make our street and citizens safe to live as a nation under the constitution of the U.S.

Demand that your Senators and Representatives stop this non-sense about passing gun tougher laws and demand that we pass tougher laws on immigration and foreign policy as it effects our nation's safety not our view of how others should govern their citizens!!!!


Monday, April 1, 2013


How different and safe the world could be I wonder if we had a the ability to go back in time!

Growing up as a product of the sixties I was constantly told of the evils of the USSR and the empire they controlled destined to invade us and force us into a life of communism.  We watched in the 80's in horror when the Soviets invaded Afghanistan, how Iraq was our allie how President Ronald Reagan had the balls to stand up to all our enemies by showing that America was not a country to be messed with.. with her 600 hundred ship navy prowling the world and our B1Bs and B52s at the standby and missiles loaded in snug in their silos Reagan went toe to toe with Iran, East Germany, Cuba and the evil empire..USSR. 

Through Reagan's taking advantage of a robust economy we were able to bankrupt the Soviets and take down the Axis of Evil.  Today our economy can sustain our military.  Our once mighty fleet of 600 gleeming ships of prey reduced to less than 250 while we fighting wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, Kosovo and now potentially Iran and Iraq.  With the Soviets in power we always could count on them never allowing their puppet states to obtain or gain access to nuclear, chemical or biological weapons.  Today ever two bit thug with a check book now can hold us at bay while threatening us with potential release of nuclear weapons. 

How safe and better a place perhaps the world would be if we allowed the Soviets to wipe out the Islamic extremists that threaten the world of Infidels and non believers! How safe I wonder would the world be if our idiot elected officials today had the common sense to understand that Reagan was able to succeed in keeping us safe because we had an economy able to fund and supply the brave men and women serving our nation.  How safe would the world be if we were a country able to still feed the world and exportation of goods by the ship load we keep people employed to pay the taxes needed to fund our military.

Bottom line how safe would the world be if we could go back in time and keep our nation focused on the common sense approaches Ronald Reagan used to lead what was our nation's potentially second finest hour?