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Tuesday, March 5, 2013


Today, the White House announced that due to sequestration all tours of the White House will be cancelled. Perhaps in the spirit of cost containment and fiscal responsibility we as citizens should restrict the President to staying at the White House instead of spending millions of dollars every time he wants to go to Five Guys in Arlington or take his girls for ice cream in Alexandria, or everytime he has the Air Force warm up one of seven 747s or 777 any time he feels like taking a global vacation?

Should we not withhold all pay checks for both the Senate and House until they sit down and get their acts together to start to put  differences aside and fix our Nation's economic crisis in the next week with legitimate resolution and creativeness to overhaul taxes, fix our nation's infrastructure and once and for all put the tens of millions of Americans who want to work back to work with real jobs?

Not for nothing but would we not be better off with a flat tax for all citizens of 7.5% and a 15% for corporations and imposing a national VAT of 1.5%.  Would we not be better off having everyone pay something than to have more than half paying nothing while the other half pays for everyone?

I am pretty sure that if you locked these clowns in the building and would not let them out until there was resolution to our budget and economic wows things would get done!  So let's flood the switchboards of the House, Senate and White House and demand this situation be resolved by the end of next week or not one of them gets paid!

Saturday, March 2, 2013


Perhaps we as citizens have failed to make it clear to our elected that they work for US! That they have been entrusted with the responsibilities of conveying our thoughts, concerns and resquests to formulate rules, regulations and laws to better our society.

Yesterday's sequestration is one more sign that the system is broken AND IN NEED OF DESPERATE OVERHAUL!!!!  Perhaps instead of the President cutting over $85 billion in spending that is essential for the economy's recovery we draw a hard line once and for all to send a message to all these clowns in Washington...NO APPROVED BUDGET THEN NO ONE ELECTED GETS PAID THIS INCLUDES THE PRESIDENT.

I ask once and for all what is it going to take to get these people to stop acting like idiots and start acting as concerned Americans trying to fix our economy?  I am a firm believer that the only way to get these people to take the hint is to hurt them where they live the WALLLET.

Let's see what would happen if you even dared to try and pass legislation that would deny elected officials their salary until a balanced budget was formulated, approved and signed into law!  Bottom line is the only people who will suffer as a result of the this sequestration is the American Public and not the elected who will collect their $200K salaries through their bi-weekly  pay checks as will their staff and the President his $400K as well.  Let's send a message...NO Budget NO Pay! Then let's see how quickly these people will get their act together!