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Sunday, July 31, 2011


Ladies and Gentlemen,

I beg of you all do not be fooled by the media and the government when they tell you that the economy is improving and that the jobless rate is on the decline.

Fact the government states that the jobless rate has declined because the number of people who were eligible and collecting unemployment benefits has decreased as a result of these people's benefits expiring.  The fact of the matter is that states as well as the federal government have never taken the approach of tracking people who's benefits have expired to determine whether they have in fact found employment or not.

As a result of failing to track these people the only way the state and the federal government can determine the unemployment rate is by counting those who are presently collect unemployment benefits.

Fact be told there are literally hundreds of thousands of Americans who's benefits have expired over a year or so ago and they are no closer to finding gainful employment than you are I are going to travel to the moon tomorrow!

The cold reality is that the media fails to understand how unemployment  figures are calculated and as a result both the media and the uninformed public have a false perception that things are getting better when in reality this is not the case and in fact things are getting worse.

Imagine you lose your job but at  least you can attempt to pay some of the bills on the small amount of benefits you are entitled to collect.  Now all of the sudden those benefits expire and you are left with nothing! See the reality is things have really gone from bad to worse!

Bottom line is challenge your media sources as well as elected officials. Demand to know just how bad things are before you vote again for someone who is claiming to do a good job reducing unemployment! The cold hard facts are that both the democrats and republics state that they are fixing the economy and they are responsible for unemployment rates decreasing.  Your response at the polls should send them a message by replacing them all with people who tell you the truth and represent the American public!