There is no question in any American's mind that we have hit an all time low. As such we have turned to our lack luster leaders for hope, guidance and direction and have been ignored as they lack the intelligence to turn this mess around. So what can we do as Americans to get things going. The following is a list of things we need to do as Americans to restore our great nation.
1. Vote and Stay Vocal! It is essential to vote out of office those who do not support their constituents, those who lack vision and those who are only serving their self serving interests!
2. Buy American! We used to be a nation of manufacturers. Now a days it is almost impossible to find any thing made in
America. It is time to call, write companies demanding that they manufacture their goods here in the
3. Boycott Imports.. Supporting #2 It is high time we put American back to work we can do so by boycotting the purchasing of imported products and demand domestic good and services.
4. TAKE INITIATIVES TO GO GREEN..There are approximately 11 million jobs that can be created tomorrow if we as a nation took the approach of becoming independent of imported oil and went completely green. Recycle, Recycle, Recycle! Look for alternative means to heat and cool your house such as wind, solar, increased insulation etc. If we as a nation were completely independent of oil and its importation using hydrogen cars or synthetic fuels for our cars and energy needs we would have increased our personal wealth and savings by ONE THOUSAND TIMES!
5. Demand a Higher Standard! Our schools, products, services etc are all mediocre. We have become a nation that has accepted very low standards, and inferior goods and services out of convenience and cheapness. It is time that we as a nation demand more from the companies we purchase goods/services from as well as demand better schooling of our nations children.
6. Help Increase Education! This country's public schools are on the decline. Schools will tell you it is because of budget cuts.. I say that's crap. Children in the 1800 and 1900s were smarter than our kids today with access to less materials than we have at our finger tips today. Schools don't teach they have become an environment of nurturing cattle. We need to encourage creativity by bringing back teachers who are excited about teaching. We need to focus on math, science, geography and raise our standards. Our children need to be smarter, more resourceful and creative if we are to compete on a global economy!
7. Spend Quality Time with Your Kids and Family!. bring back family values and quality time spent as a family. Put away the Xbox and computer games and focus on increased awareness through quality time spent with your family by reading, do math and science quizzes go to museums, places that are educational.
8. Lastly and most importantly. MAKE EVERY EFFORT NOT TO GIVE UP! It is easy to say what difference can one person make and simply give up. But if you make efforts to change and teach your children, family and work colleagues pretty soon they start doing the same and before you know it more and more people are on the same page. This is how you effect change!
If we as a nation realize once and for all that our elected leaders don't know what they are doing and we start to take control our selves the faster we can rebuild our nation once again!